I got kustard tonight. Ohmygodohmygod! It was deeeeeelicious. I had to stare at mummy really hard to get it! But it was so worth it. Stanley
Me and Nell had a feast , a real feast and Daddy is in trouble, again . He dropped a tin thing that came out of the oven , it had sosig and Yorkshire pudding in it , Mummy was not pleased cos she made it , it went splat all over the place . Me and Nell got shood out of the kitchen , cos the food was hot , Mummy scoopd it all up and gave us some when it was cool . Mummy and Daddy had toona salad for tea , Sam
Ooh, Holly, I was in koornwall at the pasty place last last week, you can probably still smell all the places i was!!! Though we didn't go to the rickstein place, you are lucky! Look out for the mean seagull, I totally wasn't scared but it really wanted some pasty too, possibly even more than me from the glint in his eye which is impossible to imagine. I observed from under a bench...
Im so stiff today and my back leg hurts. Still it's better to burn out than fade away so I'm going to go nuts tomorrow oh yes i am Moo
Hmm, fellow doggy comrades, there's been a lot of vetbumman action around here recently, I myself had the indignity of the vetbumlady squeezing my bottom just the other week, I suggest an uprising led by Moo the merciless!
Go for it dear Moo , I do the same sometimes when they say I have to rest , that's no fun is it ? Run like the wind Moo , Sam x
actually i have been reading a book about Vlad the impaler and I would like to be known as Moo the impaler. I will lead my Labrador legions (any other dogs too as I am an equal oppotunity impaler)against the evil bum people. Give them a taste of their own medicine? When my legs a bit better obviously
Oooh, you are so lucky Sam. I've seen mum drop things on the kitchen floor and then put them on daddy's plate, she just says shh, don't tell anyone, monty. Fivesecondrule
I am awake, but did not have a very good night sleep. Mummy and Daddy looked after me though very well, I wonder how long I can milk this for.... Now I am outside on the lawn, refusing to go to the toilet and not eating. Just laying on the lawn...I am goinh to go inside in a minute starting to get a bit cold. Thanks for all the well wishes. Vanilla
Sam and Moo the Impaler , like the Labrador Thelma and Louise , I saw that film when Mummy watched it , I love you Moo , Sam x
I got fish fancy for dinner. It is not even Saturday yet. It is sardines, mackrel, tuna and veg all mixed with 2 nice whole grilled sardines on top. Now going to bed and sleep. Vanilla
Mum is having "the girls" over tonight and did lots of cleaning last night and everything smells weird. She even moved my bed! So, I came home from my walk and zoomied around messing up the couch, took all my toys out and spread them around and then dribbled water all over the floors and walked through it Quinn
No beech today because dad said I was too rainy. Instead we went to a nice wooded valley with streams and miles of walks. I got muddy, then had a splash in the river, then got muddy again, and had another play in the river. It was great! I met lots of nice people and dogs. After a few hours went to troorow and had a walk around. We found a nice cafe where the lady made lots of fuss and gave me a treat. Dad says we will go to the beech again tomorrow before we go home.
I`m going to the beech tomorrow as well Holly , and Nell is coming , I spose . We are going to Seaton near to our house , I get so excited cos I smell the sea when we get close , and then its ace , splashing and running . My small hooman is coming too , so tonight I will have sweet dreams , Sam x
I am back with a vengance this morning. I am full off energy, but no one wants to play. My hoomans keep on telling me to be calm...don't they know I have been calm for a few days now. I have even presented 6 of my toys, but nothing. I did see daddy getting out some fancy toys, I don't get them every day. He says they are called 'Brain games'. They are fun, but reallly really hard work and tiresom after a while. OK got to go and milk it some more...