Rory loves football's when he sees one he looses his mind. I mean he will grab it and run off with it then eat it. It's not good he goes from mild manner obedient to Labrador hulk. RORY EAT FOOTBALL'S FOOTBALL GOOD that kind of thing. Slowly but surely I've worked on this with him. Lessening his excitment walking by matches distracting . Getting him his own and teaching him to leave it. If he leaves it he gets it back. Today he found a dead one he was so excited so I told him he was so good and did my usual thing of swapping for treats then throwing it for him. Today I said bring it then and bugger me he did and swapped it and I kept throwing it and he got too excited so I hid it and used another toy. He calmed was fine I was so pleased with him. I know its not a big deal but being able to manage his over excitement and get him to bring it was doesn't seem a huge training leap but for Rory and me it was a big deal.
I've noticed he's getting a little more calm as he's natured. Maybe he's approaching a Labrador renaissance his age of reason. That's what I keep telling myself
Tis a big deal, just a good feeling to achieve your goal ----oooh er, not sure if that's a pun or not Well done, superdog Rory
I was sure that story was going to head in another direction, but I'm very glad that your training with Rory is paying off. What a sensible chocolate gentleman (don't tell him I said that ) Xena's never seen a game of soccer "in the fur" (land of rugby after all) but I'm pretty sure she'd be a mighty embarrassment. She LOVES our daily game of dog soccer with the passion of a thousand meaty bones, it's slightly worrying. I'm sure soccer balls are her kryptonite.
Rory likes rugby balls football's basket balls American football's and once he found a huge bouncy Pilates ball. I thought he was goingto explode with excitment and pleasure that day.
Plum is bonkers about footballs and tennis balls. She pulls my arm out of its socket if she's on a lead and sees one over the park. And if there's a little kid attached, all the better. So you should be very proud of yourself and Rory, you for your training persistence and success and Rory for his willpower.
Still struggling with this one, though the recall has helped tons. Thursday evening some boys were walking by bouncing their football. I asked them to kindly hold on to it, as my dog has been known to destroy a football or two. The boy answered me, "I know, she destroyed this one.", and he showed me the bite marks. She's gone after so many that I've lost track.
Yep Rory always amazes me how quickly he can eat one. It's the only thing he's crazy about . Baby steps