Took him to the vet this morning, just a meet and greet and a weigh-in. Such a little star, we had to wait half an hour and he was astonished by all the dogs and cats in the waiting room... When we first weighed him he was just over 7kg, and now he weighs 7.85, so gaining weight nicely. I asked the vet whether he was the right weight for his size as I was slightly concerned - you can see his ribs despite eating four meals a day and treats, but she said he was just right, that he has a slight covering over his ribs and that it is better to have them slightly slim that too fat (as we all already know). After the car ride home he was totally pooped and crashed out - in his pen! - for several hours after his 11:00 am meal. Now I am in the office (sigh) and have left him with my OH... Hate leaving him!
@Karen I'm curious, do you give your cues to Poppy and Merlin in English or German, or are they bilingual?
They are bilingual! It's a bit of a mixed bag, to be honest. I say 'sit', 'down' and 'wait' in English, but use the German words for heel and back... Luckily whistle commands are multi-lingual!
Merlin found the rag toy that belonged to my old Labrador, Bones. It has become his immediate favourite... which makes my children laugh as they are convinced he is a reincarnation of Bones, just in yellow not black this time. He's tucked his ears and paws under, @snowbunny, because he's sensitive about being teased... He's a funny little thing, doesn't seem to like his wicker basket much any more. Dragged the sheepskin out and lay down on it by the front door. You can see more that way, apparently.