This afternoon , we made lots of people smile , me and Sam . One lady said From the sublime to the ridiculous ! I think she meant that I`m the sublime one , Nell xx
Today I went to visit my sister, Biscuit. We had fun played bitey bitey face for ages and ages then I lay in her bed and she sat on me. Hahaha although I was a bit squashed. She weighs 4kg more than me and is chubby. Her mummy has put her on a diet and the vetman said "no more tea and toast, Biscuit". I don't know what this tea and toast thing is I'm perhaps missing out.
We had tuna! we had tuna! but she cooked it a bit She likes it a bit raw but we like it really raw why do they cook stuff?
I had some beef. I want to go out. No, I want to come it. Oh, dash it! I want to go out. Let me in. I want to sit with you. I'd rather be outside..are you coming? No? Let me in then. Actually, I'd rather go out. Oh, I thought you were coming? No? Can I come back in. There's still some beef on the side there..are you finished with it? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - Coco
Mummy is staying at home today. She is not feeling well, she is talking really funny and keeps on blowing her nose. Anyhow I am in bed with her an extra day....maybe get to to this tomorrow too. Daddy thought I might. Now I just need Daddy to be at home too...
Ging has fleas! He he she keeps itching. She needs that stuff on her neck he he he. She's says its Kemo fleas they must be bad she's got a rash. She really is a scruffy spotty flea bag he he he Moo and Rory
We visited my cousins this weekend and last night after I ate my own dinner, I gulped down two full bowls of my cousins food! It was so yummy. Mum was mad and said I would get sick. Well, I did have to wake her up a couple times really early in the morning for an emergency potty break. But Worth It. So worth it. Quinn
I heard the hoomans talking , Nell is going to something called agility , its all jumping about or something like that . Oh , she is going to be impossible now , starting a foundation course I believe , she will be strutting her stuff like the little diva she is , showing off and being pesky . I think it all sounds a bit ridiculous myself, Sam x
Those funny little things I had on my tummy have gone finally. Daddy called them 'stiches', anyhow back to normal. I had a super walk last night as finnaly allowed to walk back up the hill...slowly as I stopped and sniffed everything.
What's the point in leaving the house if you don't spend all your time sniffing, Vanilla? You can't find food scraps or cat poo if you don't sniff. Honestly, our humans are thick as - Xena.
I know Xena, daddy just laughed. I did not find it so funny, it is important business this sniffing lark. Vanilla
Mum says I can sniff for England, I don't know what she means......I just want to sniff for me....... Annie
I did! Well, some of it. Mum got all screechy when she saw I was eating something, but I was in a good prickly bramble so she sent Dad in to see what it was. I knew I had to leave it then, but I got a good snarff of it before I went back to Mum. Mmmmm, maggotty wabbit. Willow
I went playing swimmy-fetch in the sea this morning. I love swimmy-fetch. I chased a duck but it flew away. I played ball-fetch too - it bounced funny on the stones, I love it when it bounces funny. Then I got hozed when we got home - hozing is just the best thing EVER! - Coco