You show em Nell no one but no one makes us girls wear a onsie and gets away with (it unless we want to obviously ) Moo
Go, Nell! You have to stick up for yourself, though I spect your mummy's trying to stop you licking your tummy for a good reason, like my mummy tried to stop me licking my leg when I got a long, long cut on it. I didn't have to wear a onesie but I did have to wear big collar things round my neck, two of them. I tried and tried to chew the plasticky one, but mum kept getting new ones. She said my leg would heal more qwikly if I stopped licking, so I spect it's like that with your tummy. I think you should run lots and lots and lots when you're free and show Sam a thing or two. I like running fast too, when it suits me, but not to chase balls. I let Wispa do that. Tuppy
I'm sure they were meant for you, Sam. Your mum doesn't sound mean enough to make bacon sammies just for herself. Perhaps she put too much marmite on her toast and that's why she's not happy? I'm now feeling deprived because my mum hasn't made bacon sammies... Wispa
Sam I love you lotsandlotsandlots cos Mum has just made bacon sammies cos she said you gave her the idea. She even put some brie with the bacon too and gave us the outsideybitwhichshedoesn'tlikesomuch, then gave us a bit of bacon which she cooked speshally for us when she was cooking hers. I tried hard not to dribble when she was eating her sammie. Ask your mum for brie next time too. it's delishus. Thankyouthankyouthankyou, Tuppy x
Mum cooked sosidges, mash potato, sweet potato and peas - yummy, but all I got was the sweet potato . Mum had some of MY sweet potato too and didn't even give me a lick of the sosidge. Payback time tomorrow Mum! Ripple
Ripple, that's the worst thing I have heard all week! Your mum didn't share the good part? Next time you need to get as close to the sosidge as possible, stare right at it very hard and look up at your mum every few seconds. That should work. If not, I suggest crying early in the morning until your mum has to get out of bed. Then refuse to go outside. When your mum goes back in her bed, start crying again. Next time she'll share. Quinn
Mummy let me off my lead this morning , cos there was nobody else around , good job really cos she insists I still wear this diculus outfit . I was a good girl , stayed close to my Mummy , there is something wrong with my ears , they don't work that well so I stick to her like glue, most of the time . It was grand , Nell x
I'm in a strange mood I feeling very flighty. Ging tries to keep me calm but i don't want to today. I've been for a walk but I was on my toes and ready for silliness. She made me be sensible though. There was scampering things in the garden when she was out they annoyed me and frustrated me I wanted to get them. I was in a right state about it but they were in my garden.
I`m back on my lead again , cos there were lots of playmates around this afternoon . Sam had a look on his face that I did not like , a proper smirk I tell you , Nell x
I got into trouble this morning, don't really know why. I had fun, but daddy said he lost it. I tried to help him what he 'lost' but I was never to close to him....I was to busy carrying my new found stick. I brought him back the rat I found for a good treat...maybe he was looking for that. But that was at the top of the hill silly daddy. Got to teach him the 'sniff game' properly
I was good I was good. I trotted about like a little lamb and was a good boy on My lead. Some men shouted rude words at ginger and we walked passed them wth our heads held high we looked awesome(well I did).They were probably jealous of my beautiful shinning fur. Rory
Oh Rory, I think I've been not good. Dad is all growly and mum's gone very quiet and won't look at me. I don't know what's wrong. If mum would take me out and play the "walkbesidemeandgetaclickytreat" game I'd be goodsogoodsogood but she says she doesn't want to speak to me today. Pongo
Oh Pongo in our house its called visiting the cooler. Moos been in the cooler loads she says it's best just to carry on as normal and they warm up eventually. I've only been in it once and i didn't get a cuddle for an whole hourwhen we run off they get scared I don't know why