A not so long time ago in a galaxy not that far away... Here's Wuki!

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by mcatalao, Jul 20, 2016.

  1. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    He really is a lovely looking chap. Such a sweet face
    mcatalao likes this.
  2. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Lovely dog.
    And great to hear how well he is doing for your family.
    mcatalao likes this.
  3. mcatalao

    mcatalao Registered Users

    Jul 18, 2016
    Hi guys! Long time no see!

    Just wanted to check in on Wuki! He's now 6 1/2 months, strong and fast! He put on a little weight since we changed to Royal Canin, not too many, but enough that now you really say he is a lab - this weight is noticeable more muscle than fat!

    He's getting strong, so it's really hard to control him sometimes. We're walking him around 30 min at night and have some garden plays during de day or in the morning, and generally he is a well be haved dog. He doesn't pull the line too much, and he is well behaved with the line, but i don't know how he would behave with my wife walking him. That's something i want to work out with Wuki, because if i have to work and my wife needs to walk him, it's going to be a hard ride for her! ;)

    As you know from previous posts, Wuki is out in a Kennel and a dog House in our gaden. The transition to the kennel and doghouse was slow but worked nicely. When the Kennel arrived, we gradually introduced him to the kennel by giving him treats and his meals, and then started to call it his home. At some point, around 15 days ago, the doghouse finally arrived, and we started to introduce Wuki to it again, with food and toys inside, and he really got used to it. He never cried, almost never barks, unless we delay his meals for awhile, and he never messed in the doghouse.

    All meals are being done inside the kennel, most times we tell him to go out for potty time, and he goes by command, comes back to the kennel when finished. At home (our home) he stays for long hours with us, but he doesn't calm down very easilly, so we usually give him a rawhide bone, and he's happy for hours.

    Bitting is better, but there are some things he doesn't like at all. When i try to clean his paws to get him home with us, he gets mad at me and tries to bite me. Not a bad bite but it hurts a bit (I'm really being a bit nasty to him). The same when putting or taking out the harness.
    It would be great to have some directions here, because i'd prefer to work it out without forcing him.

    Anyway, training is going ok too, we're now training heel and fetch. He's really clever, he already heels on command, and finally i got him to drop the ball when playing fetch! ;) Sit, down, stay, home, bed, come, up, poop, pee and hurry for potty time, are also working. I'd like to work longer stays now, and unattended stays (like me going in another room) but if i move 2 meters he gets up, comes and sits by my side - that's not bad is it?

    At the street i've let him off leach for awhile, Come is working fine, but I'm still a bit afraid. One of this days, i had im off leach and a stray come out, and they started playing. I had to call Wuki 4 times, and was getting a bit nervous, and he finally came, and i put him the leach on again.

    He seems happy despite my concerns about living outside. He seems to love to play with the kids, he doesn't seem anxious with them. They play a lot in the garden, and my daughter even talks to Wuki as if he was a person.

    I think that's it for now, i'll try to post some pics as soon as possible!
  4. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    Where do you live that Wuki can stay outside and sleep outside? I live in the Northeast of USA and it was 18 degrees yesterday morning! My dog Cooper would have been frozen stiff if he lived outdoors! Sorry, just curious. Cooper follows me everywhere I go....if he is sleeping and I move, he wakes up, gets up and follows! As to cleaning his paws, putting on harness and biting, I will let someone else give you info on that!
  5. mcatalao

    mcatalao Registered Users

    Jul 18, 2016
    Hi Yvone.

    WE live in Portugal, near Lisbon. I can tell you i live here for all my life and I can count with my hand the times we had temps under 32 f.
  6. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    Yes, now I understand why Wuki can live outdoors! Wish I could say the same....we already had snow last night and the high temps the next couple of days is going to be 17 F!!!!
    Enjoy your beautiful weather in Lisbon, Portugal you lucky thing!!!
  7. mcatalao

    mcatalao Registered Users

    Jul 18, 2016
    Yvone, Labs are double coated, they are still in the Water dogs range, and they can stand some cold way easy than us. I'm really more concerned with summers, since it gets a bit dry.

    The place is secluded really safe from sun, wind, and rain, he has a kennel for safety, a wooden doghouse that is separated half for now, and food and water, regular vet care, and lots of luv from the rest of the family.

    All the time we're home he stays in the house with us and then goes to his place at night.
  8. mcatalao

    mcatalao Registered Users

    Jul 18, 2016
    Hey guys, long time no see! Hope you guys and your labs are well!

    Just to tell you folks Wuki is doing great! He is now 1 year old, is still very energetic and always the happy and crazy chap!

    We had a little issue some weeks ago where his fur was falling in patches, so we went to the vet and it's normal coat falling. She said that this kind of shedding is more normal in dogs of the north (and then i remembered, Labrador is on the north of Canada right???? :) ). Still as i thought this was not a normal way to shed, we went to the vet just to be sure.

    Anyway, Wuki is BIG now but he is not the biggest of the labs. He's now weighting about 30 Kg which should be something like 66 lbs, but we're trying that he stays like that.

    His nose got a little darker again, but i don't think it will be as dark as when he was small as in the pic on my profile.

    Here's a pic of him after fighting with a bone!
    charlie, JenBainbridge and 20180815 like this.
  9. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Lovely boy!
    mcatalao likes this.
  10. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Aw Wuki you are looking lovely xx :)
    mcatalao likes this.

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