If Molly gets through the summer without being stung by a bee it will be a miracle. I keep reading about bee shortages - well they're here, dozens of them, in my garden! I think they're bumble bees - medium, fluffy with whitish rear-ends - and they're very dozy. Molly keeps leaping at them and earlier poked her nose right up to one that was on a flower. It crawled onto her nose and then she was going mad trying to get it off. I managed to grab her and pick it off in my fingers (thankfully I didn't get stung) but as it flew off she leapt at it again. I thought she'd caught it, but I opened her mouth and no sign - so either it escaped or she swallowed it whole! My garden's smallish but nearly all flowering plants, very little grass, so I suppose that's what is attracting them.
Naughty monkey, but be careful @Joy , my last Lab girl got stung by a bee and went into shock , she needed hospitalisation overnight, but it cured her, not from still trying to catch them but from reaction to stings ! x
Well , after a great deal of effort , I have done four legs , but Nell has had enough so she has perfectly little trimmed legs and feet, but the rest of her looks like a scruffy mop x
Just looked out the window and saw Stanley with what I thought was a black bird in his mouth. Went running into the garden screaming like a banshee only to realise it was one of OH's gardening gloves
Two nights on the trot where Luna hasn't needed to go out in the wee hours (pun unashamedly intended). Coming up to eight months of age. Wow. This has been a loooooong time coming. Do I get some sort of medal? I feel like I deserve a medal.
Ho! We just met a big, bouncy, beautiful Labrador as we were walking back up our road. He was on the other side, pulling and lunging. The man said "Sorry, he has no manners". OH was walking ahead with Coco, who was showing interest, but not lunging. I said "neither has ours". Man asked how old? "Three" - "" says the man, "mine's only 16 months". I think he could see months and months of pulling & lunging ahead of him.. I was actually quite proud of Coco's minimal reaction.
I would be proud too! Not lunging is huge. And that man sounds like me, except my boy is only 11 months so we're even further back Heaven help us...
Too hot to go out today. The pavement is too hot to walk on. They don't seem too bothered. I think it's going to be a labrador beauty afternoon.
J rolled his eyes when I started talking about the next one. No, not for a while, I don't think. But it's going to be a boy
Not sure on chocolate or yellow for my boy. And I haven't got as far as a name yet. You're obviously going to be next.
Im sure I want another dog just not what sort. I feel ready for another puppy but it won't be until Moos gone
My next dog will either be a girl called Pinny or a boy called Horst. Or they can keep their current name....It should be "grown up" already.
Just catching up on Pongo's escapades. I hope he's now on his best behaviour. Many years ago our cairn terrier occasionally used to dig his way out under the fence at the top of the wooded bank at the end of our garden. He would have 'that look' about him when I let him out so, if I was quick enough and noticed, I'd get in the car and drive round to catch him in the lane behind the garden. One day he disappeared and we couldn't find him anywhere, but eventually the phone rang and a lady said, "We've got your dog here. He's had his elevensies and he'd like to come home now." So I drove round to the house to pick him up and the person came to the door with a lovely-looking cocker spaniel. "Oh," I said, "I can see why he's come to your house..." She replied, "Yes, but ours is a dog too."