Libby seems really sad! It's just over a month since she was spayed, can it be a change in hormones? She has energy on the walks but is a bit droopy drawers everywhere else.
I don't have any answers really but just to say sorry your lovely Libby is feeling down . It's not just the warm weather is it? Hormones can play havoc though, so hard to tell.
She's been through a lot lately it would be hard to say. Perhaps the combination if the opp, pain and anaesthetic have caused her to feel down . Also her hormones will be levelling out so perhaps she does feel sad. When Doug died Moo went through a similar thing I just kept things jolly did things she liked encouraged her to join in. I took her on her fav walks and played fun games did lots of grooming and massage.i just tried to make her feel special. What really perked up and I'm not suggesting this was to take her on holiday . The change if scene really helped. I'm sorry she's sad it's hard when they can't tell us what's wrong.
Doggy holiday sounds lovely. If that's not achieve able perhaps a night away somewhere new or just take the far out and do some walks in different places. New smells & things to explore
Poor Libby. I don't have experience with depression after doggie spaying, but I surely do for human "spaying". For me, the abrupt change of hormones was a real killer and took months to sort out. Maybe dogs go through something similar?
I agree with the others , the hormonal havoc can take some time to level out . Nell was spayed almost three weeks ago and is just fine, but my last girl Millie took some weeks to return to normal . I also reckon that the recent hot weather has made some dogs a little lethargic , hope she is back to her normal self soon x
Just to be on the safe side, I would take her to the vet. Maybe something isn't quite right internally after the op, so maybe worth a check to rule anything physical, not just from her spay, but a quick once over generally too.
Poor Libby, when Hattie was spayed some years ago she was OK after the initial week which wasn't good and no side effects. I agree with @Beanwood take her to the vet to rule out anything, it will put your mind at rest. I hope she will bounce back. xx
Poor girl. I would pop to the vets just so they can check her over. Harley calmed down a lot after her spay, think it was hormones, the op, different place etc. It took her a few weeks to get back to herself.
Wee soul....Hope she bounced back. I think it's stressful them being away from their humans. And in different places. Lilly spent a day and a half WITH Sophie at Kennels last week. Never really left her side. She was 24hrs before I consider she was back to normal. There are a lot of factors here that could influence how she is now.
Thanks all, it does sound like it might just be still quite early since the op. @Emily_BabbelHund they probably are similar to humans, it's all about a healthy balance of oestrogen in females, whatever species I guess! We take at least 6 weeks to recover physically let alone hormonally. I do think the heat hasn't helped as we're all less active too. I'll put more effort into brushing and so on and see how she is Monday (unless she gets worse in the meantime of course). She was well enough this morning to pull a full box of eggs off the side and leave only 3!
Two dogs in my family have been through a lot of changes, one of which has been through two major life style changes. I was always worried about her well-being however I've come to learn dogs are very resilient animals. I'm sure she will be fine
This is, indeed, very true. Dogs ARE resilient. We have adopted 3 adult dogs from 3 very different backgrounds. All have turned out to be happy, easygoing dogs, and fitted in with our lifestyle and household perfectly.
Hope she feels better soon. Once she is you will think what happened as all that energy comes out Vanilla was very down once her season finished end January/early February. At the same time both of us went back to work, she got an ear infection and it was not until about mid march that she started to become herself. Am sure Libby will be back to her normal self soon.