Advise please ... our new choc lab pups are sisters from the same litter?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Lynette, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. Lynette

    Lynette Registered Users

    Oct 8, 2013
    Hi everyone, I have just joined the site today and could really do with some sound advice re. our two new beautiful chocolate lab pups who are bitches from the same litter ... we had NO idea this could potentially be problematical and I have had a sleepless night post reading internet forums last night describing how we should split the pups up immediately as it could lead to aggression and fighting all sorts of issues such as lack of bonding with us etc!!!!! All we want is for our pups to be happy, we have a 3 year old boy who loves the dogs already but we clearly have alot to consider if this could be dangerous for him or the pups. The pups are now nearly 4 months and although we are having a few issues with one of them being 100% house trained, in general they are good at recall already, are sitting on command, doing well at heel and in general are v intelligent girls who play fight constantly and have bonded well with me. I dont see any issues being displayed yet but realise that this may not occur until they are 6 months. Any advice please? We are already in discussion with our trainer/behaviorist about this to see what we can do, I also think we should go back to the breeder with some harsh words as she never mentioned this when we bought both sisters!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Advise please ... our new choc lab pups are sisters from the same litter?

    Hi there, we do have a couple of forum members who have siblings from the same litter, and I am sure they will be on sooner or later to give you the benefit of their advice! There are also several threads on here dealing with the situation, so have a good trawl around.

    I just wanted to say welcome to the forum, don't panic, it sounds as though you are off to a good start with your two lovely girls! Yes, your breeder should be the recipient of a few sharp words in my opinion! But people can and do manage with two pups from the same litter; it is just more complicated and more work than with one. I have never heard that there is a danger they might become aggressive.

    Looking forward to hearing more about your puppies! :D
  3. Lynette

    Lynette Registered Users

    Oct 8, 2013
    Re: Advise please ... our new choc lab pups are sisters from the same litter?

    Thank you Karen, I needed to hear that, it has been exceptionally hard work training them to date esp. with a toddler and a husband who has been away with work alot - so all in all a real juggling act and a bit exhausting to say the least (!) so I was so disheartened to read so much negativity online about sisters from the same litter, I am hopeful that we can work through it but think we do need to contact the breeder as she also sold two other sisters to another family.
  4. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Advise please ... our new choc lab pups are sisters from the same litter?

    Hi Lynette and welcome!!

    First of all - please don't worry!!! It sounds like you are doing a great job if they have learned all those things and are also attached to the human members of the family :)

    Having two pups from the same litter just means that there are a few things to be mindful of that single pup owners don't have to worry about, like ensuring a close bond develops with each pup and putting extra special time into training, with one-on-one time where possible. There is no need to separate the pups otherwise :)

    While many breeders would not sell two pups to the one person it's something that different breeders will have their own policy on.

    Just keep doing whatever you're doing and enjoy your gorgeous pups.
  5. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Advise please ... our new choc lab pups are sisters from the same litter?

    Hello and welcome

    I don't have any insights on two pups - I've no experience of that. But just to say Hi and also, two puppies at least means twice the puppy fun (if a bit more bother). Try look on the bright side too!
  6. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Advise please ... our new choc lab pups are sisters from the same litter?

    Hello and a warm welcome from me too :)
    Two pups from the same litter isnt usually recommended and you are right to question the intentions of the breeder as most responsible breeders would not usually allow this . But , your girls are with you now and from the sounds of it, you are doing a great job with them both ;D
    I`ve had two from the same litter , terriers too which, believe me is far worse than two Labs ::) It can be done and can be successful ,as long as you are aware of potential issues which you clearly are . Try not to read too much on the internet , some people do talk rubbish and enjoy scare mongering , stick to a forum like this one where you will get honest advice , support and help if needed :)
  7. heidrun

    heidrun Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Feb 10, 2012
    Re: Advise please ... our new choc lab pups are sisters from the same litter?

    Hello and welcome to the forum. :)
    I had two bitches from the same litter a about 20 years ago. They were springers and two wonderful dogs. They did live in kennels which made things a lot easier and I was very disciplined with myself and always took them out separately for walks and training and bonding time during the first 18 months or so. It was definitely double the amount of work and time than I would have had to invest in bringing up one puppy. Their personalities were totally different and my approach to training them had to change accordingly, which wasn't always easy but taught me a lot about the fact that not one size fits all! ;)
    During their early adolescence they would fight constantly and sometimes in real anger and with real venom. But later on they became totally devoted to each other for the rest of their lives.
    I am not sure I would do it again, I would leave a gap of at least a year between an existing pup and getting a new one.
    I hope it works out for you and your two pups. Please, let us know how you are getting on in the next few months and also please, let us see some pics of your two girls. :D
  8. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Re: Advise please ... our new choc lab pups are sisters from the same litter?

    Hi Lynette

    I have 2 black lab brothers aged 2 1/2

    2 from the same litter was my choice despite all the advice against it so I've only got my self to blame. ;D
    My breeder was not irresponsible. He knew where his pups where going and picked Scott and Scout out for me and we discussed pros and cons.

    I won't lie it's not easy you need eyes in the back of your head but you get used to it. It took a few months but I now look and immediately see 2. That sounds daft. :eek: What I mean is to begin with I would look spot one then look for the other now I automatically spot 2 without thinking.

    They play fight inside and out so finding a strategy to stop it before it gets too rough especially inside is a good idea. Sometimes outside the play fighting sounds quite scary but it is only play. If you hear squeal every now and then don't worry ones got a bit too rough they'll sort it out.

    I've had no problems with aggression towards each other and these are unneutered male dogs. The only time we've ever had proper falling out it would be over one piece of food on the floor. It sounds scary but it is mainly noise and only last seconds. I leave them afterwards to sort it out you can see one go up to the other as if saying sorry.

    Mine have a kennel and pen outside. They sleep out and go in the pen during the day if I go out. It's just the way I've always kept my labs but it is useful to have somewhere safe to put them where they cant get up to much mischief. I say much they have a tendency to rip their bed up just when I think they've grown out of it!

    I think one of the main problems with 2 pups the same age from the same litter or not is that they will bond with each other and I don't think there's much you can do about that. You are therefore not the most important thing in their life you share that position which can cause training and behaviour problems but as long as you are aware of it and try not to let it develop (easy said) They will still bond with you and as I've said there is no reason you should ever have aggression problems.

    I've definitely made mistakes its a big learning curve but while sometimes I feel like tearing my hair out with them they are lots of fun. It's amazing how different they are from each other. Scott likes cuddles Scout looks at you as if your mad he's too busy playing to be cuddled unless of course he's tired then he snuggles up to and I have a pair of black furry bookends squashing me.

    Enjoy them. ;D


    Ps . My friend has 2 rottweiller bitches from the same litter. They are 5. They have never shown aggression towards each other and share a kennel and pen like mineand a definately bonded with her. Out of the 3 pairings rottweillers, unnuetered males, lab bitches my money would be on your two not being aggressive with each other.
  9. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Advise please ... our new choc lab pups are sisters from the same litter?

    Hi Lynette,just butting in to say Hi,I can't help as I have one yellow boy 12 months and our first won't get any scaremongering on here,you will get help,advice and support with honesty,you've come to the right place.
    You have done a marvelous job by the sounds of things,keep going .....your son is so lucky growing up with 2 labs,I'd have loved a puppy when I was little...never mind TWO!
    Best Wishes
    Angela x
  10. Lynette

    Lynette Registered Users

    Oct 8, 2013
    Re: Advise please ... our new choc lab pups are sisters from the same litter?

    Thank you all sooo vmuch, what wonderful people you are responding in such detail to my cry for help, what a great site this!!!!!

    You have really put my mind at rest and I will continue to do what we have been doing, mindful of the pitfalls we may encounter, our trainer is a behaviorist and he is encouraging us that we can counter many problems if we see them at the outset, so fingers crossed!!!

    Thank you all :) ill post piccies as oon as I work out how to do it!!!

    Lynette xx

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