Has anyone ever experienced a dog peeing in their sleep? Larks is 1 year old and after playing this morning she fell asleep on the couch and I sat next to her. After an hour or so I noticed a wet spot and sure enough it smelled like urine. She hadn't gotten up to change position or anything. This has happened once before and I just thought it was a fluke. She has just been to the vet 3 days ago and is acting normal otherwise. Any thoughts?
quinn has peed in her sleep a few times. It has always been after swimming, as She sometimes swallows a lot of water and has to pee frequently for a few hours afterwards. We don't let her swim as long anymore. Was she swimming or drinking a lot?
She hasn't been swimming today, but we did have her little pool set up so maybe she drank more water than I realized. Good to know she's not the only one!
It could be she has a urine infection..or close to her season? Might be worth a trip back to the vet...a pain I know as you have just come back from there!
Axel has done this a few times as well, was always from over drinking with his pool or in the lake. He hasn't done it for a few months now thankfully
Our ESS did a few times. She was older and it was a UTI. Later again it was spay incontinence and she was medicated for the rest of her life.