Our cat used to knock stuff off for us one day he knocked off 8 previcox tablets I ate them all. It all was a bit strange after that. Moo
Guys I'm so hungry. I feel weak. I know why they call them die-it's because you feel like you're dying!!! Luckily daddy keeps sneaking me food, I got some burger and he was about to let me finish his ice cream but mummy caught him and said no Mummy can never stick to her di-et so I don't see why I have to. Stanley
I've never been on one matey it sounds terrible. Moo says she's hates em worst than ear cleaning and Moo hates having her ears cleaned. Stay strong Stanley eat anything you can find that's remotely edible. We salute your bravery Rory and Moo
Stanley - I noticed my bowl not being as full as normal this morning. I saw daddy put some food back into the container. I am on a DIET...apperantly we all are...but I don't see it... I am already starving, my tummy is rumbeling and it sounds so empty...
Oh no Stanley! I am on the di-et too, ever since the visit to the bum man. I've had to fill up on raspberries and extra helpings of poo. You will have to go foragin like me. Ripple
I hope my mum never reads this thread and gets ideas. Die-etts sound horrid. Stay strong everyone, it can't last forever. If any of you can come and visit you can have some of my biscuits, I know where mum keeps them.
I'll set off now Pongo, I'm desprat, my die-ett has to last til I have a Oppa Rayshun. I don't know when, no one tells me anyfing.
I'm torn! I feel like I want to go on strike!!! No more coming back when I'm called, no more going in my bed when I'm asked and no more pooing outside!! But that's when I get treat treat treats I might just do a moo and bark at 3am. That'll teach her. Try the dads though guys - I reckon mine will give in soon. Stanley
My dad loves me. Today he took me for lovely long walk to the dog dip and played swimmy fetch with me for ages. It's my favourite place in the world and I had it all to myself. When we got back he let me have a whole apple for lunch.
I was brave today , really brave and fearless like a great big dog ! I went to this place with a massive bath , Mummy said it was hidrotherpay or something . The lady was kind and kissed me , she had these really long wellies on and got into the massive bath with me , I had a life jakit on and everything ! So , I swimmed and swimmed like a pro ! I`m going again next week to try and make my musils better, Nell x
Beards just come home and he's bought us chocolate bones. Choccy bones choccy bonesbut ging has put them in the white cold cupboard cos they are a bit melted. We can have a little tiny bit tomorrow. He he HE oh we love em and even better Micheal delivered our food and dried lambs faces and venison sausages and turkey treats. We love him but he's scared of us
I feel sorry for my mum...she is on a dy - et. I caught her begging for one of dads home made FAT chips. She is not very good at begging though.....no chips for mum. I got a chip. I am good boy. Thank you for reading. Casper ps: mum if you are reading...you gotta put your SOUL into begging.....