Homer and I had nearly finished a long walk around Richmond Park when I spotted a group of deer stags across the way from us, I called Homer to me and popped on his lead. Our path would not take us close to the deer but we would have to continue past them as we made our way towards the car park. Then there was barking and the deer ran off a little more barking and more running off from the stags until a full chase ensued. I spotted the owner who at this point was helplessly calling for his dog, stuck in shoulder high bracken. By the time I got to the car I spotted the dog who had now given up chase and had come around in a large arc, no where near his owner. I popped Homer into the car and took his lead to try and catch the dog. The poor thing was quite out of breath and beginning to look lost and confused. After a bit of encouragement I managed to catch the dog and pop Homer's lead onto him then wade through the bracken back towards the owner, who was very much relieved to have his dog back safely. Like many dog walkers I do let Homer off lead in the park and try to keep a watchful eye of where the deer are but they are sneaky things and hide so cleverly in the dappled shadows. I trust Homer has a good recall and he is not a chaser but never say never. It could so easily be any dog setting chase including my own.
Do you not get into bother for dogs chasing deer at places like Richmond Park? I don't think I would dare let Lilly off a long line anywhere like that.
Not quite as bad as Fenton. https://www.royalparks.org.uk/parks.../deer-advice-for-dog-walkers-in-richmond-park Yes, dog owners could be prosecuted. I don't know of any actual cases.
Sam is very obedient , usually ! But , I know without a shadow of a doubt that this would have tested him to the limit , that theres a fair chance he would have done a Nelly ( deaf !!! ) x
Oh dear. Once I got reading I thought the dog was going to chase the deer across a road and one of them get hit. So glad that didn't happen and no deer or dogs were hurt.
Seriously I just can't get tired of watching that clip..my heart goes out to the owner, but it is sooo bloody funny!
I was concerned the deer might turn on the dog as there was a small group that stood their ground. The speed limit for cars is only 20mph (cyclists, well that's another matter) and most slow down to a stop to watch the deer if they are near the road. Although I'm sure deer or dogs have been hit by cars, or bikes.
Me and moo got charged by a roe deer buck a few years ago. He was really going for it. Moo gave me the do something ging look and I waved my arms at it and got me and moo out of the way. Seen loads of deer but never been charged like that.