I'm so tired today I took Rory for a long walk this afternoon we had a lovely time and Rory was just so sweet. I take Mooy out when get back for her short old lady walk. While we were out she got her lead and collar out and was waiting fast asleep on top of them when I walked in so adorable. I took her to big park and she speedily trotted round later like she owned the park. The collar and lead was on the kitchen counter so she had to jump to get them which is difficult for her she still loves her walks.
Does anyone else ever look at their floors/carpets/couches/bed and then look at their dog and wonder how they're not bald?
I think I really must have the yob equivalent of a sign that says please be a rude and offensive to me as you like over my head. I saw a youth riding illegally on the pavement at a fair speed so I moved Rory to the side and got him to wait quietly while the cyclist went passed. We were waiting calmly not moving and the moron slowed down and yelled if your f**king dog bites me I'll make sure you f**king pay. How sweet. What a charming young man.
I miss my old dog today, it's so strange without him it does not feel right at all. I've had a temperature all day I wondering if I'm going to be ill and that's why I feel so disturbed. I miss his calmness I wonder if thats it he was always a shelter in any storm.
How rude. You kind off feel like just moving a fraction or putting a stick through the wheel Sorry you had a poo walk
Careful watching your temperature and hope you're feeling better today. I miss Brogan more when I feel yuck as well, so I can totally empathise. Last week was my first time coming back home from a hospital stay that I didn't have "Doctor Brogan" snoozing against my leg in bed. I was always so happy to have him there. Same goes for my first Rottie, Duncan - I used to sleep on him like a big old body pillow and listen to his breathing to help me calm down and sleep. Definitely our "shelters in the storm".
You attract the yobs and I attract the distressed I would say "wanna swap?" but I couldn't cope with losing my faith in humanity that little bit more. I hope your temperature doesn't turn into anything bad.
I had a lovely walk today I went out at 5,30 met some friends and so did Rory. The good walks make up for the pants ones.
I've had a lovely walk and feel refreshed emotionally and physically so some big rambling roses are going to get sorted. Still hot so I'm best outside
I never thought when picking my puppy about the extra expense of getting a bigger dog. Been to buy a flexi lead today for a walk we're doing tomorrow (I'm scared he'll chase sheep and get shot) and it was double the price for the large breed one
Just been laughing a Moo. She usually nips into the children's playground to look for sweets. It has a dog proof gate no problem she can open them, but not today the poor old dear couldn't find the gate. She looped the play area 3 times and could find it or get in she was furious and incredulous. She looked at me accusingly. So funny how the mighty have fallen. Her eyesight seems to deteriorating again