Don't you? Its like if you have a really good book and then you watch the film -- its never the same........
Interesting about internal voices. People always here my name and expect a certain accent. That accent does not exist, but the accent I have does not compute in their brains either. I think we all (maybe most, OK maybe just me) imagine what people are likes based on their conversations...
I am having such a good time clicker training Honey. I am new to it and worry that I'm making lots of mistakes, but it seems to be working. We wonder sometimes if during her "down" her enthusiasm may send her straight through the floor.
It would be good if you could they've just given me some deltparin to stop any potential clots I'm home and have got to go straight back. I'm not sure what going to happen tomorrow I need a scan but the ct is down?
Bloody better I feeling very stamping right now but I was norty they admitted me and i had all stuff done then nipped off in a taxi to feed water and toilet the doggies. Just going back on the bus he he he
So sorry to read that you were (temporarily ) in hospital today SwampDonkey, like your spirit, hope the bus got you safely back in! What a B about the CT scan being down, I hope all will be well.