I might try this then. She does like stuff like that. Her favourite toys are not toys at all. Her favourite are the little plant pots your bedding plants come in! Xx
Yes they do entertain each other a great deal! That's the great thing about having two! But they still need other games to play and will give me that "We are bored" look. Sydney, the golden retriever is a bit like your puppy-very high energy-so she definitely needed a sibling to play with as she was driving us crazy! Having another dog does help alot. But you are right that it needs consideration before actually getting another. My best advice for that is maybe not too close in age!!
I'm teaching go right, go left, give right paw, give left paw, weave in and out of my legs, circle right, circle left and go around as extra to do in training. They pick up on it pretty quickly and some of it will come in handy.
Lol! It looks like a crime scene, where the criminal fell asleep after cardboard ripping. But a super cute criminal! We live in a sunny place so for lunch we would freeze Harley's lunch time meal in a 2l ice cream tub and then tip it out for her for a meal. So she had a solid block of ice to wait for or get through to get her kibble. When you freeze it one shot you will find the kibble floats so she doesnt have to go far with licking to get some if you put it the right way up. It is like a kibble lolly. She LOVED it when she started teething too. Some people from our puppy class would fill the container halfway with water and half the kibble and freeze, then add the rest of the water and kibble so it froze in layers. It was popular with most of the puppies, except the Yorkies but neither of the two finished the class anyway. It really, really does get better and if you can get your pups to be good in a play pen it can be a saving grace to get some quiet time. Harley still sleeps in hers and she could easily jump out for many months now, but she never has - it is her safe space.
Oh yes I forgot that one. She's really good at that when it comes to food. I can have an open palm of chicken and hotdogs and she will turn her head the other way. Not so good when she has one of my shoes in her mouth and I tell her to leave it though. She needs a bribe then! We have been going to puppy classes of a Friday night which is a good way of her trying to keep focus when there are distractions.
I've also trained Look (to look at me on command, first when there are no distractions, slowly building up to when there are distractions), Wait (for example I put a piece of food down in front of her but she has to wait to eat it, I throw a toy but she has to wait to retrieve it), Find (I either hide food in boxes or under her toys and she has to find it, or put it in one of my fists and she has to touch the fist she thinks it is in to get it). Look and Wait especially I hope are forming building blocks of self control .