I'm so upset I hurt Rory today. I was clipping his nail and he cried. It's really got to me. He's fine and I pretended to cut his others and gave him loads of treats and fuss. It'd been s hard week but nothing upsets me more than hurting my dogs.
- I have tinned tuna & corned beef - in case of emergency. I'm sure we could me a lovely meal if we all pooled our emergency rations. Well, the dogs would enjoy it anyway.
It's awful in't it? I'm sure Rory forgave you immediately, but it doesn't help. I clipped Scooby's quick once - he ran out screaming and bleeding. I ran after him with fuss & treats, and he was so loving. Made me feel worse. I didn't try again.
All my dogs are good at having them done it just horrible when you hurt one of them. It just makes me wonder if there is a problem with that nail. I very suspicious of nails because of Dougs problems
The door of Ella's (soft) crate was zipped closed. She caught a case of the zoomies and ended it by attempting to run into her crate! Probably one of the most amusing things I've seen She's fine btw...
Does anybody else sometimes spill stuff then you can't be bothered to clean it up.. so you send your dog in to eat it My grated cheese spillage was not a problem!
Yes, all the time! Though it backfired on me once with our cat, I opened the fridge and an open pot of cream fell out onto the floor. Cat came along and lapped it all up. Yay, I thought. He then mooched on into the lounge and promptly threw it all up onto carpet. In three places. Cat sick carpet is much harder to clean than double cream spilled onto tiles....
Too true, this was in our pre-dog house. Where the cream carpets were actually cream, the walls free of mud splatters and you had room to turn over in bed and lie straight.
I had a mythical time of no mud. It'was a long time ago. My mother approved but it was a lot less fun.
I'm making Stanley watch the incredible journey in the hope he'll learn some tips from Shadow about being a dog. He definitely takes after Chance more. Dogs are supposed to be faithful, loyal and true - not sit on your head and steal your socks
Rory helped me out of a ditch. He did what I asked and what we've practiced but he did it for real. I was so pleased with him. He is a airhead sometimes but he was a rock when I needed him. he is a good boy. I love him.
I just watched this again also, used to be my favourite growing up! It's funny, everything Chance did I was like 'yup. That's my axel'
On Sunday I realised that I'd somehow changed my username to Xena Dog Princess across ALL OF MY GOOGLE ACCOUNTS. Including my email. I didn't think I'd sent any important emails in the past week, but then I found emails to my local council - sent as Xena Dog Princess A friend used to work for them and assured me that it would have given everybody a good laugh....great?
I met a Timber Dog out walking in the woods today, off-lead. He was stunning to look at and so calm and well mannered.
Well that's what his owner called him (I asked). He looked like a larger husky-type, quite wolffish, very elegant. He had a lovely nature, which I especially appreciated as we had two small fluffies snapping at Molly earlier on the walk. I've just found this on the net: http://www.britishtimberdogassociation.co.uk/ The site makes a point of saying they are breeding for health and temperament.