I am very stupid. I gave Dilly a bit of my Pain au Raisin yesterday which must of had about 3/4 raisins in it. She has been ok to day with very loose watery poo but that can be normally as she has a weak tummy. She ate her food eventually the afternoon but not straight after walk as normal and wasnt desperate for her treat. I am so worried incase I have poisoned her and there are terrible things on web sites about kidney failure etc.....
I don't think 3 or 4 raisins would cause too much harm, but I would definitely run it by your vet, even a phone call for advice. I don't think its always the quantity that is the issue, some dogs are fine but others not so. Have a chat just to be on the safe side, I agree with Boogie.
Depends on the toxicity rate of the raisin and the size of the dog. Still raisins are VERY toxic for dogs, so i would get him to the vet if he/she starts vomiting, doesn't want to eat, or both. Hope Dilly is ok!