Hi folks! Long time no see. Wuki is doing generally great. Work has been quite hard now and i haven't had much time to chime in... We had one week vacation last month and Wuki had to stay in a doggie hotel. We found another place where they had a lot of more space in the houses, as Wuki is starting to be a big fellow. I also thought that this place, having a less amount of dogs at the same time, was a bit more socially active than the other where we put him last year. So the week turned out ok, when we returned i went there to get Wuki and he really seemed happy and quite well. However some time later we noticed a odd cough and some difficulty breading (i was afraid of the Kennel Cough as the vaccine was getting near the year). I took him to the vet the other day and we had to give him some allergy medicine. This solved with time, and after some days he was quite better, didn't cough in our walks or running in the garden. Some days passed, and one morning, when i was going to work (we always give him his food in the morning before i leave) Wuki didn't want his allowance of kibble. It was rater odd because he always had a Lab appetite and attitude and the normal behavior has always been eating as every meal was his last! I didn't force it, and checked his poop and it was ok. Some time later, he ate half the food, and didn't want more. The same day at evening some big watery diarrhea started, so i contacted the vet right away. We started giving him cooked rice and a medicine but there was no change for 2 days, so we had to give him a special kibble. Still after 2 more days, the diarrhea didn't stop, and at the 5th day he started vomiting. Mind that we had always kept in strict contact with the Vet, and Wuki was active and strong, but that day he started having the first signs of apathy. The vet could only see him 3 days after, so we went to the animal hospital. There the doctor checked his stomach and intestine for foreign objects, and they found nothing, but he had colitis and gastritis, and he was slightly dehydrated. The had to give him some injections, and came home with the suspicion of a Giardia infection. Me and the vet think he caught it on the kennel too, because he is not usually with other dogs, his stuff and place is washed regularly. This took at least 1,5 week to normalize, and we only started with the normal Kibble exclusively this weekend after one week adjustment. It's harsh to see them suffer and not being able to help them. Wuki is also a very quiet dog, he almost doesn't bark and he was quieter than ever, it seemed he suffered in silence. All seems good now, stool and appetite normalized. But it was really hard seeing him like that! Cheers! MC
So sorry to hear he was so ill. I too would suspect he picked up a bug at the kennels, but even the most well run kennels could be susceptible to dogs bringing in bugs. Glad to hear he's getting better.
Poor lad , pleased that he seems much better now, these bugs can be the very devil to get rid of at times x
You have to keep an eye on yourselves...when it was giardia, you and/or family members can get it too! Giardia is contagious.....!