So Aspen has gotten into playing around with his empty food dish. He will pick it up and carry it around, and he has somehow convinced the boyfriend that it means he is hungry. I call Aspen my fat boy because even though he isn't actually fat, he IS a lab that loves food. So he will pick up his bowl and carry it to my boyfriend who will then look at me and say "He looks so hungry..." These boys! Aspen eats one cup of food 3x a day so I know he is quite alright. I just think it's so funny how Aspen has gotten my boyfriend to be tricked by those beautiful brown puppy eyes.
Also, here's a picture that says "Mom, I wouldn't have to eat dirt if you just let me have all the kibble I want!"
@alschwahn Aspen is adorable. What a beautiful pup. Our Harley did the same thing with her food bowl and it is SO hard to resist that face. What we did do was ask her to "take" her bowl and "bring" it with us and then so much praise and love (not food!). Later when we added those cues to clicker training she took to it so quickly! In hindsight, since we have started clicker training we have thought about how many behaviour Harley has "offered" us. Are you doing any clicker training with him?
@Harley Quinn Thank you! Harley sounds like a smart cookie. We do clicker training with Aspen, but right now it is limited to basic commands and getting him to walk politely on a leash. I am thinking about trying it for tooth brushing and grooming as well!