Hi We need to trim Cody's claws but I've read mixed reviews over size of nail clippers that are best suited. Can anyone advise on what size they use. I want to get this right 1st time as I know he is going to hate it so can't afford to get it wrong and have to correct ourselves. I've read size of clippers doesn't matter unless your dog is particularly large bread but the why the option if this is the case. So does it matter and if so do you use small, medium or large on your labs. He is 33kg and a healthy fit size.
We use Safari clippers. They re the small size for a 15Kg puppy. Easy to handle and i plan to use the same set when he is an adult. They work very well.
I use the red ones by Millers Forge. About £7 a pair and very, very sharp, which is important because it puts less pressure on the nail. But, the most important thing is not forcing the clipping on them. Desensitise them to it over a series of sessions, then it isn't a battle every time you need to do them. I'm on my phone and it's a PIA to find previous posts to link to, but maybe you can search for the work I did with Willow and Shadow, who were both very scared of having their claws cut. I now use a Dremel with Willow and clippers with Shadow. I can use either with Luna.
I have these which I find really good. As @snowbunny says desensitising is so very important so take your time. If you do that you will have a dog that is very happy to have his nails clipped. I clicker trained my rescue dog Charlie to have his nails clipped. I only have to produce the clippers and he is bright eyed, bushy tailed sitting infront of me offering me his paws to clip the nails If I had rushed this it would be a completely different outcome. Good luck xx https://www.amazon.co.uk/Rosewood-P...coding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=72JPSA8T8XZXYFDDX2QT
Hiya, Thank you we will desensitise first I just want to ensure we had the right size so that they worked Charlie that would be the dream!
Here's the link to my videos of Willow and Shadow: https://thelabradorforum.com/threads/clippng-nalls.11315/page-7#post-172128 And a post showing the first steps with my puppy, who was four months at the time: https://thislittledoggy.com/2017/03/04/husbandry-nail-trimming/
[/IMG] Apparently nail clippers aren't scary they just need to be licked. He stayed laid on sofa and didn't even flinch. Sorry it's sideways
I have just bought some of these. Never needed to cut Sky's nails in 10 years but noticed Red's are getting very long. Feel very nervous but will give it a go when I can summon up the courage .