Has anybody else had this happen to their hooman? Daddy has been in bed all weekend and I have tried and tried to get him to get up, but he has been making these really silly noises. I have barked at him, whined at him but nothing has worked. Yesterday he did not go to work and he slept all day too. I slept with him, but he still made those funny noises. I got a walk this morning but only for 15min. I even sat and looked at the Golf course entry and daddy just said we are going home. He sounded weird...and he was huffing and puffing, but we had not run at all....strange these hoomans...hope all is back to normal soon...
He will be. Ging gets like this sometimes she stinks and she sometimes huffs too and sicks up her food. You just have to cuddle them loads even if they are hot and then they are ok. Just be patient things will be bettrr soon. nurse Moo and Rory
You are so wise Moo and Rory. I have been really close and just laying on his chest with my head. He said we might go to the oval tonight as daddy does not have to walk far.
Oops - don't think I should have had the ice-cream, I had to get Mum up FIVE times in the night, think that's my BEST EVER . AND even better the last two times the cat came rushing in thinking it was breakfast time when IT WASN'T. DOUBLE RESULT . Ripple
Rory, Moo, Mabel, I have been having lovely dreams about our fun walk on Sunday, Mum says I've been twitching and yipping and eating in my sleep, I think I woke myself up dreaming...
Ripple, the cat got me up at 5 this morning telling me it was breakfast! So I woke mum up with a very subtle and low key bark to remind her. But they said shhhh Monty go back to sleep it's our lie-in morning! Evil cat.... she was ly-in.
We think you are the king of fun Monty maybe your super fun even in your dreams. Mabel is elegant and mischievous but you are just silly fun.we enjoyed our out on Sunday we are very nosy dogs and love new places and sniffs
No the poo looked more like the poo I ate on Sunday only squidgier. I'm glad you're impressed cos Mum said she's NOT impressed. I'm really tired after all the getting up so I'm sleeping all day today, Mum said she's really bl**dy ( ) tired too but she's got things to do. Ripple
The world is alright again. Had my morning walk with Daddy (he did not sound good) but at least I got a walk. Problem is he is now at work and not ay home as last few days. Well sister Sally is coming round later to play. Vanilla
Ging has walked me loads and I've been so good. I trotted about real sweetly and have been such a good chap ging said, but I have a new arch enemy a little white and brown kitty. She waits for me and stares and Stares I don't like her or her staring. my kitties never stared they were nice. kitties are weird.
Well done Ripple! Mummy keeps saying 'today's the day' and 'you're going to be the big sister now' Mmmmmm - the day looks just the same to me? .
When your day changes for the worst when the love vacuum arrives do what i do and retire to the sofa like a victorian lady. when feather brain arrived I did it for 5 days and I refused to eat for 2. I think ging got the message. Moo the Victorian lady
Guess what ?? Yesterday , I met my bruvver , my real bruvver !!!!!!!!!! The lady said we were like peas in a pod, peas ? I don't fink so !! So, Mummy and the lady were talking , and me and Ben were hanging out in the water , and it turns out that Bens fur Mummy is my fur Mummy , fancy that ? He has long legs like me , but he isn't as beautiful as me , I don't fink , Sam xx
That's so cool Sam but he is probably not as beautiful as you, you are right. I'd like to meet my brothers and sisters but we don't know where they are but I woz got from a farm. Apparently my fur-mummy was a Labrador but she was yellow! And my dad was the one that I got my pointer-pants from. And then I came out as a little black pig so not sure how that worked out. I always keep my eyes out for other pretty velvety black piglets like me in case one is my sister or brother. But mum says that grandma's new dog is my brother now. I am not sure about that, he is as big as a horse and really clumsy and has kibble for brains. I am sneaky and weasley and the perfect size, and I have Clever for brains. Love, the Pig x p.s. Does you have pikchus of you and your brother, Sam? I'd like to see what a Brother looks like who isn't a giant great-dane-kibble-brain.
I think if it's true you are getting a puppee, you should do what I do and treat it the same as a particularly puzzling beetle. Follow it about and occasionally slap it with your paws and see what it does. If in doubt, caper around it whilst slapping, for safety. Works for beetles and particularly stubborn cherree-tomatoeses so can't see why it wouldn't work for puppees. Love, the Pig.
Yesterday someone left half a kebab on the green by my house. Yum yum. Mum had her hands down the back of my throat which lets face it is RUDE. Obviously trying to have some herself, "no chance find your own mummy". Managed to swallow most of it but now I've had stinky poos. Not what a girl wants but at least I'm back to normal this morning.
I know xactly what you mean. Sometimes I think their Mummys didn't teach them any manners when they were pups. Ripple
Aw Mabel, you're so clever and quick and I bet you smelt of lovely kebabs and even your poos smelt lovely and you are lovely and I love you. Love monty