This certainly beats Tuppence's efforts at sabotaging a phone call yesterday. Often the dogs decide to play tug-of-war or bitey-face if I sit down for a chatty phone call, but yesterday Tuppence tried another tactic. I'd taken them for a walk and came in to find a message on the answerphone so, having given them their post-walk treat I listened to the message and phoned back the friend who'd left the message. Tuppence immediately went through into the hall and threw up on the carpet, while I tried to have a quick phone call without giving away the fact that I was trying to hold the phone under my chin while trying to grab some paper towels and scrape up dog sick! Needless to say, that proved impossible as it was so yucky that I needed to put gloves on and couldn't cope with that and the phone. So I had to end the call and do it, while Tuppy just went off to play as if nothing had happened! She wasn't ill, but had snatched a bit of forbidden rotten apple on the way home, then had gulped down her post-walk chew treat whole, so hadn't really swallowed either properly!
Haha what a funny thread, I think nothing of putting my hands down Mabel's throat when she is eating something she shouldn't. Note to self need to work on a more reliant leave it cue . I've also been known to remove stringy poo from her bottom. I wouldn't admit that anywhere else. .
Don't see anything wrong with going through the sick with your bare hand seeing if you can find the culprit. Done it plenty of times when Vanilla has been ill. She always makes sure my hands are well licked after. Going through poo after finding she has eaten something is a whole different experience. Especially the loose kind and your bags are just not up to the job once they get a bit on...but that is a different thread I think.