Two years ago we brought big, mad Coco home. We visited and walked him for a month before hand - but still didn't realise how much work he was going to be! Love him to bits.
No, not two years? Don't they fly by. I remember all those trial walks with the rescue organisation as if it were yesterday! Hasn't he come such a long way though. Some challenges, but his intelligence and personality have shone through! Gorgeous lad. Happy Gotcha day handsome!
Two years?????? Surely not!!! Happy gotcha day, and Coco is a lucky boy to have landed on his feet with you. But then, you are lucky to have got him, too!
Congratulations and happy Gotcha Day! @edzbird Sue, maybe you could share how you came to have Coco for those of us who weren't around two years ago? It sounds like quite the story!
How we got Coco. We had an old, very lovable, black Labrador Scooby (or Clootie Dumpling as he became known). We'd only had him 10 months when we lost him to probable haemangisarcoma, it was devastating. We also had our much loved Collie x Belle. When Scooby passed away we knew, we just knew we were meant to be a 2-dog household and 6 days later we went up to the ManxSPCA to see what was available. On the wall there was a chocolate Lab - sorry, he's gone. The other big dog was Coco - sorry, he's gone too. We left. A couple of days later OH, for some inexplicable reason, phoned up to ask about Coco. He'd been returned! "great in the house, but pulls far too much" for the family that tried. So we immediately registered an interest, went to meet him, then took Belle up to meet him. She was a very stand-offish dog who liked her own company. Coco was very "in her face" and we could tell the staff didn't think this would work. We thought differently. We went up with Belle every weekend for 4 weeks, and OH went 2-3 times a week in his lunch time. And we walked him in the secure field. Belle tolerated him (which was as good as she was with Scooby), and so we adopted him. Yes he pulled like crazy - but that can be fixed, with time, patience & lots of roast beef. We're a single dog household at the moment. Just waiting for the right time & the right dog to come along. I think this was taken on our last visit to Coco at the ManxSPCA - Belle seems to be getting on fine with Coco here
Happy belated gotcha day, can hardly believe that's been 2 years already. Lovely Coco you are such a handsome and very lucky boy! xxxx