Labrador puppy curly tail

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Gaurav, Sep 7, 2017.

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  1. Gaurav

    Gaurav Registered Users

    Sep 7, 2017
    I recently got a lab puppy. He is 40 days old. Whenever he walks his tail curls but while sleeping and playing his tail falls down. II have attached 2 videos. I asked the breeder and he told me it's normal and tail will form otter shape when he ages. Is my lab mixed?
    Yashwant Rathod likes this.
  2. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Hi Gaurav, on our forum we have a policy of not allowing members to post questions about underage puppes, which means puppies that have left their litter before the age of 7 weeks. The note below explains our approach to this and the reason behind it. People with underaged puppies like yours are very strongly encouraged to see a vet. Looking at the condition of your puppy in the video I really would advise you to see a vet as soon as possible. He has extremely poor muscle development, meaning his diet is bad, and also looks like he may have worms.

    Members are also not allowed to ask if their puppies or dogs are pure bred or mixed breed. So unfortunately members will not be able to give you feedback on that. I've included the relevant part of the forum rules below.

    Moderator Note:
    Sadly, in some parts of the world there is a tragic trade in tiny puppies barely able to walk. On the Labrador site we frequently get comments from people who have purchased puppies as young as 21 days old. Their owners will usually need help from a qualified veterinary professional if the puppy is to survive and thrive.

    Our forum policy is to encourage people to wait until their puppy is eight weeks old before collecting it from the breeder. To make sure we are not encouraging the trade in underage puppies, nor depriving these puppies of essential veterinary attention, we have the following rule.

    If a forum member’s puppy has been removed from the breeder/ mother before the age of seven weeks, that member must wait until their puppy is seven weeks old before posting about him or her on the forum

    We recommend that anyone with a puppy under this age contacts their vet without delay for instructions on feeding, general care, and medical treatment. We understand that members want to help these puppies, but the forum is not the right place to be distributing specialist advice of this nature.

    Rules for asking about whether or not pups are pure bred:

    Moderator Note: f) Requests for confirmation of pedigree/ID Forum members may not post photographs of their dogs for the purpose of asking other members to confirm that their puppy/dog is a pedigree dog.
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