First episode aired last night on ITV. In summary, hosted and presented by Alexander Armstrong with trainers Nando and Jo Rosie-Haffenden. I really enjoyed the programme, especially the miniature pony trained to open doors! It was obvious that all the animals were enjoying the training, always a pleasure to watch Nando and Jo on TV hmmm....I do have and idea though for the October challenge! Anyone guess? (Oh and it doesn't involve cats! )
Bu99er! Watching athletics "because there'er nothing else on" - I don't have control of the plunger in this house. Catch-up it is then,,
I just watched it on catch up, brilliant, absolutely amazing just what you can teach animals with positive training methods and having FUN xx
I'm with @SwampDonkey I already struggle to take a bath or shower without a labrador getting involved. Unless he can turn his paw to some light housework duties....
what I do is look through find the stuff I want to watch and programme it to come on. his face HE he HE. Doggies just pop up
Cassie does that -- she loves a zip. The only bed she's damaged was by opening the zip and pulling out the inside And the cat opens doors in this house. No, I don't think we want any more, but I will try to watch the programme, it looks good.
I looked at ITV catchup on line and it wouldn't let me register. Tried again with an English postcode and it still said No.
I can't help wondering if any dog that can open the front door when the bell rings if they wouldn't be letting strangers in when you are out x
Yes, we couldn't see any positive benefit to this... how many people have a Shetland pony living indoors waiting for doorbell to ring But i loved the cat and dog duo, just brilliant, and in 5 weeks! Overall a good watch, definitely be tuning in next week. And all about building trust and a positive relationship with your pet which I thought was a fab message.
Some clever bit of software seems to know where we live - perhaps they will show it here at a later date.
Can you try with a Cumbrian postcode? It might work...or in the future would an Amazon Firestick work?
I watched but didn't find it particularly interesting. We didn't really see the stages of training in opening the door and I don't like cats (oops! I know a lot of you love them!) so wasn't thrilled with that trick. I think they must have vetted the dogs in the audience as none were showing aggression towards the cat.
My sister's Lab can open doors and it's a real pain! While we were on our hols together we had to keep the external doors, which had pull down handles, locked when we were inside. Katie, the dog, came to my sister at 6 months of age, already knowing this.