Irresponsible dog owners arghhh!!!

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Jen, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    The country lanes I walk my two down are your usual narrow country lanes just big enough for two cars to pass slowly although cars tend to drive like they are on a motorway.

    Twice this week I have had a little loose dog (different dogs and roads) come running at us down the middle of these narrow country roads!!!!!

    Both times the dog has belonged to a workman doing building work on the nearest house. Both times I have called out asking if it's their dog and could they please call it / get it as my dogs are nervous and we are now all dancing about in the road. I also pointed out the dog could easily get run over . :(

    Today I got abuse back!!! :eek:

    I asked nicely could they please get their dog. They called it, it went then came back. I could hear a car coming and my dogs were getting worked up so I asked again not quite so nicely but nothing terrible. I got told I shouldnt speak to people like that. I pointed out I had asked politely but he did nothing, we were in a dangerous situation and my dogs might turn on his if they got very scared (I m sure they wouldn't but he didn't need to know). He then threatened me but I missed the actual threat. All I heard 'if your dogs attack mine I'll ......'

    I'm not looking forward to my walk tomorrow! :(

    On a positive note I was pleased with the way my dogs behaved with the loose dogs. They were obviously nervous but not as much as I would've expected and they didn't ark or show any nervous aggression just did the dance of the leads. ;D

    People like that though make me soooooo cross. They just let their dogs loose and don't think or care about the consequences . :mad:
  2. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Irresponsible dog owners arghhh!!!

    Jen, it's infuriating when owners behave this way, and I bet you had the last word as Scout and Scott behaved so well :D.

    I had a similar incident on Tuesday, an elderly lady with an elderly collie came towards me I had Hattie on lead, she looked at me and thought about putting her dog on lead but didn't. Hattie went to say hello and nasty collie did a tripple full on snap at Hattie's face, but thankfully Hattie is far too nice to retaliate and just stood behind my legs whilst the lady said "Oh she is 13 and a bit of a grump old lady", so was I after that :mad: Helen x
  3. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Irresponsible dog owners arghhh!!!

    Some people are on a permanently short fuse and/or have a few 'roos loose in the top paddock, as we say here (i.e. have a bit of an IQ deficit). I hope the infuriating and nasty builder guy is gone tomorrow. If not, just keep walking. You tried to help and did your best to warn him about the risks....
  4. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Re: Irresponsible dog owners arghhh!!!

    Deep breaths and relax. ;D
    BevE likes this.
  5. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Irresponsible dog owners arghhh!!!

    David you are funny, whilst the women rant on never knowing when to stop, you pop up with that little gem ;D
    Thank you. Helen xx
    David likes this.
  6. LillyLab

    LillyLab Registered Users

    Jul 31, 2013
    Re: Irresponsible dog owners arghhh!!!

    Oh that's not good...

    One time i was out on my own with Lilly and this woman walking toward us shouting to me to put Lilly back on the lead. So i tried to get Lilly back (her recall wasn't that great at this time). As usual Lilly thought it was a game so went into the position watching the other dog and ready to go. As i got close to her, as usual, she went to the other dog. The woman sounded angry at me when i couldn't catch Lilly. She started talking to me (while she was holding her dog in her arms - it was a terrier), basically telling me to train Lilly. I felt like telling her to stop telling me how to train my dog. It's my problem not hers...

    I thought to myself... Why are you on this walk (the best place to let your dog off in the village) if you are not happy about letting your dog meet other dogs?!

  7. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Re: Irresponsible dog owners arghhh!!!

    I don't mind if people apologise dogs will be dogs. Occasionally pip will manage to get through the hedge when somebody passes. I immediately run out apologising profusely.

    I lost count of the number of times I had loose dogs attack Murphy when he was on a lead Helen. The owners always had an excuse like the lady you met. Usually it was 'its never done it before'. My reply would be 'well it has now.' :mad:
  8. LillyLab

    LillyLab Registered Users

    Jul 31, 2013
    Re: Irresponsible dog owners arghhh!!!

    We always apologise to people if Lilly runs up to them. But it realy annoys me when they don't reply, or dont even acknowledge you.
  9. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Irresponsible dog owners arghhh!!!

    Sophie, don't let it worry you sweetie, as long as you always exhibit your good manners towards the 'adults' that's all that
    counts ;) Helen x
  10. LillyLab

    LillyLab Registered Users

    Jul 31, 2013
    Re: Irresponsible dog owners arghhh!!!

    Thank Helen.
    I would never be rude to someone i meet with their dog so thats not a problem lol. It just gets to me when the treat me as if i cant control my own dog because i am a 'child'.
  11. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Re: Irresponsible dog owners arghhh!!!

    Some people are just rude and ignorant Sophie and aren't worth bothering with.

    You will have more control of Lilly then most adults have over their dogs I bet. ;D

  12. LillyLab

    LillyLab Registered Users

    Jul 31, 2013
    Re: Irresponsible dog owners arghhh!!!

    Thanks. I will remember that the next time someone says something to me :) x

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