Just got to share this happening on our morning outing I've been putting a lot of emphasis on getting Cassie to focus on me whilst out and about, following all the advice I've received on here and by following the likes of Tom and Lauren, and it's really paying dividends. She's always had a favourite puddle up in the woods, since she was tiny she drinks from it, walks through it etc. Once or twice I've dropped treats in it for her to do a bit of bobbing, like we did at training class. Today she looked back at me, tail wagging, and I duly obliged with a spot of sausage, which she trod on squashing it down in the mud. She was utterly determined to find it, pushing her snout right in and blowing bubbles, her nose and tail going like the clappers, even when I dropped one she could find she went back to look for that one. I don't know how long we were there, a good five minutes I should say, I swear we were both laughing she was so happy. The really fantastic thing about all this is that we share being out in the countryside together, enjoying the natural environment which is what I want for a dog, and why gundog training appeals.
Brilliant, @selina27! It's so not about getting A to B, it's everything in between that's the most important
Ah sounds like bliss! Muddy puddles and labradors... Well done... I am not enjoying quite such fun walks with madam...more like iwantorunasfastasIcantochasepheasants!! sort of walks....
Well a lot of it due to your advice She's very, very keen on deer scent and squirrels, but I'm happy to compromise as long as those things don't get the upperhand, which was dangerously close to happening a couple of months ago. This way we both enjoy the natural environment which is great. Another thing I think has helped is spreading her kibble out on the gravel for her to find, I do believe this has helped her be persistent when applying her nose.
Sounds like great 'together' time. You can't find better company than your lab happily wandering in the countryside can you?
I've recently introduced a "scatter!" cue, which means I scatter a small handful of kibble at my feet. It gets them running to me and is extremely effective at turning them away from something else. Luna is obsessed with fallen figs, but having used "scatter" a few times as she's started trotting off in the direction of the trees, she's begun to check in before she goes, which I've then rewarded with the game. It's only kibble, but hunting it out in the grass makes it so much more valuable.
Well done Selina and Cassie, such good progress @snowbunny how on earth to you remember all the training you do, the cues alone would have my head spinning I have to keep mine to a minimum for this reason x
Lovely! So nice to hear. There is nothing better than a good walk and a happy dog! So glad that your work and engagement with Cassie is paying off.
Badly We start agility with W&S on Monday, too, so that will be a lot of (Spanish) cues to add to the mix!