I haven't been able to say anything here lately because my mum has been busy and I don't know how to get here by myself, but I have great news. One of the cats is my friend! She likes to play with me but she's got sharp fingers so I am careful! AND I ate my dad's roast AND my boy's, and it was DEELISHUS, and they didn't even know until I was almost finished.
Well, the reezult for me was great!!! My dad and boy though, they were kind of unhappy at first. And then my dad gave me some more.
I was a really good girl this evening. Mum put a stick thing with skwidgy stuff on the end in my mouth and twirled it round, then did it again on the other side and I sat very, very still and let her do it. She said she needed my DNA because someone is doing tests on it. I don't know what my DNA is, but I wonder why anyone would want it, how it gets on the stick thing and what's going to happen to it now. That Tuppence Creature wouldn't sit still, though, and was very, very suspishus. What a silly girl. I got a treat, but she didn't. Wispa
Mum did that to me, too! But I was half asleep at the time and it was just too much bother to wake up properly so I snored and let her get on with it. Mum says I'm a couch potato. I like potatoes.
Pongo, do you think this is a plot? I was dozing in my crate! Tuppy says she was snoozing on the sofa, but all I saw was her running around in circles, spinning and being silly. It would have been much better if she'd just stayed snoozing, but I don't think she ever really sleeps like I do. Wispa
I`m a bit under the weather today , says Mummy , whatever can that mean ? Anyways , I didn't want my walk this morning , Mummy asked me two times but I just wanted to stay on the sofa , so my hoomans put a blankie over me and let me have a nice sleep . I heard them talking , wondering if I wanted to eat , who are they kidding ? The weather might be on top of me but the food is in my tummy , Sam x
I got to lick out a really big yogut pot today. I had to push really hard to get my tongue all the way to the bottom. I got yogut in my eyelashes.
Me and Moo are worried gings friend says she's got a dog with no home does ging want it? No no no no . No spares needed ging. Moos a bit sweary
It must be snuggly under that blankie, Sam. Food's good, though - walks can wait until you're feeling more energetic. Don't forget to ask for treats, too. Wispa (and Tuppy too)
Sam look sad they give you chips! Hope you feeling better soon. I saw your pictures swoon your so lovely Moo
Fanks ! I had a special tea, lots of meat AND I got a speshal samij for lunch , it was toona , and I feel lots better now but I mite just milk it for a bit longer , I`m good at the sad face , Sam x
Toona? Toona? That's so yummy! The only time we get toona is when mum has jacketpotatowithtoona and evenchully she gives us the skin with little bits left on, even tho I keep nudging her arm while she's eating it. You carry on milking it, Sam! Tuppy
I have never had Toona, sounds yummy...but I had Salmon last night. Daddy made it for their dinner, and I could smell it while it was cooking. Had to wait until they had finished.... Sam hope you are feeling better. You milk it, when I do it they bring me everything to my bed where I just give puppy eyes. They make sure my drink is brought, treats, food and most importantly cuddles.
Mum said I am 'testing the boundries'. Actually Mum I am sitting on the settee MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS! Ripple
She gave me some fanci pants bit of fluff covered foam and said I can sit on the floor on that. Well I've taught that a lesson it won't forget! Ripple
Did it splode? I had one of those and sploded all over the front room. I didn't even touch it. Well not really, just a little bit with my teeth and gave it a bit of a shake. Stanley