I was really upset as I did not get my usual play at home.when Daddy came home, but then realised what was going on. We where going to the beach...yeah. so I swam, said hello to other dogs, and ran away....so naughty. I heard daddy say we will have work on you again with calling you back. Well I can't help it if it was that exciting as I have not been for ages. I wonder what tomorrow brings. Anyhow I am going for a sleep now zzzzz
Running away is fun. The best thing to do is wait till they are chatting then sneak off if they call you back check how far they are away from you. If you think they can catch stop and just pretend to sniff. If they take their eyes run like hell. I used this approach for many years it's great. Moo the too old to do it but not too old to lead others astray
You are so wise Moo. I will try this next time...but I heard them talk earlier about that maybe my training lead will come back out again . I think I am past that now....I will do my best to avoid this now.
Oooo watch for them I had to have a long line on for 18 months at one stage in my life. It was so boring
That is like foreverandever....I can't do that. I won't cope, life would be so boring....maybe I will try, like really try and be good...but it is so hard just want to say hello to everyone
I'm on a long line too and it's rubbish. Better pretend to be good for a bit to avoid it. I tried but Norty keeps happening In other Pig news, I have a hurty paw because I slipped over a cow pat chasing my ball. I knew I should have ate it first and I also have a squirty bottom, which is almost certainly due to cowpat deficiency and mum doesn't understand that when I have a squirty bottom I can't go in the garden and I have to be taken on my walk to the field. I shouted for her to take me to the field at 1am and 3am this morning but she is a kibble brain and kept just putting me in the garden so I just stood there crying on the door mat. She thought it was my paw hurting but actually I reallyneededaPOOOOOO and finally she took me to the field and I pooed everywhere and it was good and there were lots of owls. 3am is good for walks, lots of sniffs, you should all try it. I'm a bit tired of pooing now though. Please send medicinal cowpats. Love, the Pig.
Oh Pig, your mum IS a slow one for training. She got there in the end though. Hope your bum dries up soon. - Coco PS - I didn't know you could slip on a cow pat - I've only come across dried-up, crusty ones - they're super - you can pick them up and run out of reach to eat in peace. A slippy one sound like a rolling opportunity...
You are right Coco but you've not lived till you been in slurry. Best ever bathing in liquid cow poo that's my idea of heaven Moo of course
Mum said I am enter-prizing, cos yesterday she threwed my ball in the see but it was all big waves and made me think of sea monsters . So I went hunting on the beech and found a ball to give to Mum instead. Well it was a bit more chewed than my ball, a bit all broken and a difrent colour but I thought Mum wouldn't notice. AND she laughed and was really pleaseed with me and I got some fishy treats . Then she sent Dad in the see to get my ball so I got that back as well. Enter-prizing is a reeeallly good thing . Ripple
Mummy says we're going on holidaysssss! We're going glamping whatever that is. Daddy says we should be going camping but mummy said she's not about that life Mummy says we're going to sit in a hot tub and have daddy bring us shampayne Either way I think my humans are home for a whole week and I'm really excited Stanley
Oh Stanley lucky you! I had a week with my humans last week - it's jut the best! We get to sit round in a heap and do nothing & stuff. Except we had to go away on a boat to visit dad's mum n dad. Confusing. That was OK too. Except the boat. That takes FOREVER, and I'm all alone. Do you get to go IN the hot tub Stanley? That sounds the best too! - Coco
Something funny's going on. I've got this new bed thing - at least that's what mum says it is - it's not like any other of my beds.. and I had the scantest of breakfasts this morning. But I've been getting my breakfast kibble all throughout the day when I get on this bed. We've done it in the living room, in the hall and in the garden. She throws a bit to tempt me off it, then I get more if I get back on? This seems like a very simple trick...what's the catch? - Coco
I had fun day barking today. I thought ginger was going to pull some more hair out. I barked at the fence the gate open and shut and just had a good old bark just because I could. I also barked on my walk. Ging was taking to spanner lady and I was bored so I barked. I also barked while I was waiting for my tea. Its been a good day if you like barking and I do. Moo the bl**dy annoying
BARK!! I love barking, Moo - sounds like you had a a wonderful time. There's builders next door - I bark at them. They were too scared to come down the path when I barked, according to Ivy & Fly's mum. She said "you silly things, Coco will lick you to bits". Then I caught them looking through the gate, so I barked. I heard the man say "he won't bite while his tail's wagging" - oops, I gave myself away. - Coco
What a busy weekend I've had! Yesterday I went to sumthing called 'gility'. I had to entertain four other dogs and their hoomans for a whole hour. As I was the only Labrador there I had to do this all on my own so I was very busy jumping on evryone, rollin in the grass, trying to eat evryones treats and being what mum calls an 'idiot'. But there was a lady there who kept intruppting me and getting us to jump over things and run thru' a funny tube thing. That was quite egciting as well but I didn't quite understand why the lady was intruppting my entertaining. I was reeelly reeelly tired when I came home and slept all the rest of the day (apart from dinners, I woke up for dinners). Ripple
No wonder you were tired Ripple doing two jobs at my once. I call that being selfless. Ripple you should be proud. Moo