just picked up are new puppy!

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by goldenbrown, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. goldenbrown

    goldenbrown Registered Users

    Jul 12, 2012
    Re: just picked up are new puppy!

    The perfect puppy by Gwen Bailey,Before and after getting your puppy by Ian Dunbar,The gun dog club/the right start and grade one. Plus maybe over reading on the internet,I think the problem is i am trying to do to much at once!second injection next thursday am trying to get her used to being on the lead.
  2. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: just picked up are new puppy!

    The problems we seem to be having are nipping and biting and thats it

    This is our article on biting, and if you are struggling to reduce the strength and frequency of your puppy's biting, this is a helpful video .

    I have been using this technique with Rachael and it is very effective. Another thing I do is always place treats on the ground, this reduces the puppy's desire to nip at your fingers and to jump up.

  3. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    Re: just picked up are new puppy!

    That's a lot of books! Try not to do everything at once! She sounds lovely - good luck with the nipping, I'm sure you'll get it sorted :)
  4. goldenbrown

    goldenbrown Registered Users

    Jul 12, 2012
    Re: just picked up are new puppy!

    well we had a day of sit until I say 'get on' as per book. After just one day she will sit, i can turn my back and walk ten paces, bend down with treat in hand and then saying 'get on', and she runs as fast as her puppy legs allow her, not perfect everytime as Hazel is very interested in everything else around her. The things we need to work on are- the recall, the biting of feet and clothing as we walk, I may be coming across as wanting to do everything at once but my aim is to get it right because if I don't a dog with bad behaviour and no manners for 14 years is a long time.

  5. goldenbrown

    goldenbrown Registered Users

    Jul 12, 2012
    Re: just picked up are new puppy!

    Another thing I need some advice on- nearing completeion of kennel and run for hazel to go in during the day when we are at work, at the moment she is happy in her crate. The problem could be that i have built the kennel close to our boundary at the back, the man that lives other side (a cat lover) has already made his feelings quite clear on a dog that barks. My task will be to introduce her slowly is there any advice on this. At the moment when shes tired she will trot off to her crate,it would great if she was comfortable to do the same with her new kennel.
  6. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: just picked up are new puppy!

    It is lovely to make progress with training isn't it. Be careful though, walking ten paces away is a 'sit-stay' exercise and is really more suited to older pups. (A several second sit with the puppy at your side comes before the sit where you walk away from the puppy). Calling a puppy off the sit, or releasing her from the sit at a distance can often result in the puppy anticipating your recall or release. I usually return to a puppy that has been left on the the 'sit-stay' every single time until well over six months old, and after that time, would only call a dog off the sit maybe one time in every ten sits.

    It is great that you are so enthusiastic and I totally agree that getting a dog with great manners is so important. I really don't want to put you off at all, however, there is no evidence to suggest that starting early or progressing more quickly, gives you any advantages. In fact it may have the opposite effect because with a very young puppy there may be more errors, and you can end up 'training in' the mistakes.

    The training exercises in Passing Grade One (if that is what you are using) are aimed at puppies over five months old. And I don't usually start a formal sit/stay before a puppy is four months old at the earliest.

    So don't worry about rushing, you have loads of time and your puppy will do just as well (maybe better) if you take it slowly.

  7. goldenbrown

    goldenbrown Registered Users

    Jul 12, 2012
    Re: just picked up are new puppy!

    here is a picture of (from left) Hazel, Maggie (mum), Willy (Dad) and Ollie. Amazing how Hazel acts so calm when shes with properly trained dogs rather than my terrier. It seemed Maggie was showing Hazel what do! As in pick up and bring back.

  8. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: just picked up are new puppy!

    What a lovely photo! Thank you for sharing. Hazel looks adorable. :D
  9. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: just picked up are new puppy!

    Oh bless her, she looks so tiny at the side of the big girls and boys , lovely :)
  10. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: just picked up are new puppy!

    Oh how lovely! And so nice that she can still see her mum and dad, especially since you had to take her a little early.
  11. goldenbrown

    goldenbrown Registered Users

    Jul 12, 2012
    Re: just picked up are new puppy!

    need some advice please i have finished her kennel,we plan planned to use it during the day when we are at work she has been happy in her crate so we are hopping that she will be good in the kennel,the problem is the neighbour at the back of us does not like dogs and has expressed his feelings about the barking of other dogs that he can hear disturbing him at tea time!what is the best way to introduce her to the kennel?

    many thanks golden pics of kennel to follow.
  12. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: just picked up are new puppy!

    Hi there,

    It seems to work best if you introduce the kennel for very short periods to begin with. And associate it with mealtimes.
    A good way to start is simply to feed all her meals in the kennel for a week or so. Don't leave her on her own, just go in there with her, and sit with her while she eats.

    After the first week, when the kennel feels like a really great place to be, you can start shutting her in and leaving her for very brief periods. Literally just a few minutes at a time.

    Gradually extend the time, over as long a period as you are able, and you will hopefully not have problems with barking. Kongs stuffed with food and frozen will help to keep her amused and content.

    Barking in kennels is more common when dogs are kennelled for long periods, and when they can see passers-by. It is a good idea to make sure there is a screen of some kind between the kennel and any 'view' of other people outside of your property. And to make sure you don't leave the dog in there for too long on her own on a regular basis.


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