Would you recommend probiotics for a young puppy who has consistent soft poop (soft, has shape, not pudding or diarrhea). He's 9 weeks. I've noticed adding fiber helps so I've added a little bit of rice a few times, pumpkin, and carrots (not all at the same time. A carrot for a treat 1-2 times a day, a couple of small spoonfuls of pumpkin in each meal.) Small amount of rice in the first meal of the day. So should I keep with the fiber or add some probiotics too?
Personally I wouldn't add anything at this stage. I imagine your pup is still settling in, and just the puppy food from the breeder should be sufficient, adding anything new at this stage just means your puppy has to get used to it. How many times a day are you feeding pup?
Guide Dog pups come with pro-biotic powder to sprinkle on each meal. They reckon it helps to keep little pup's poos firm. The course lasts until they are 12 weeks old. .
Interesting. I'm just wondering about it also because he's CONSTANTLY grazing our yard of the dirt, rocks, leaves, grass, random object, sticks, etc. despite my best efforts to stop him. Wondering if a probiotic would help strengthen his gut. I've gone from 3x to 4x.
Like @Beanwood I wouldn't be adding anything to such a young pup's diet without investigating possible causes of the soft poop. Your pup's poop at the moment may be soft due to the stress if leaving mum and siblings and settling into a new home. It may be due to overfeeding - excess foid comes out as soft poop. Your pup may have an infection which can be checked by your vet. Your puppy food may not agree with your pup's tummy too well Have a chat with your vet on the best way to proceed.
Have you had stool samples to the vet - we went through similar with Nibbler and it turned out to be Giardia - loose stools with sometimes blood at the end - we think he had been drinking froma puddle in zthe garden where Wood pigeons pooped and got infected that way. Watch he's not eating bird poop in the garden too especially if it is wet. 3 day course of Panacur eventually cured him but also have used Feelwells Probiotic dog treats since then and have kept poo firm.