Hi all Penny my 18wk lab has always eaten dry kibble with some canned food to mix in because she wont eat it just dry. I have always used Wainrights large breed puppy and the same make canned. I need to travel to get it and its expensive . I want her to eat well but it would be really convenient if i could buy some from the supermarket and also a bit cheaper. I sometimes think she is going off her food a bit ..still eating it but not with the same gusto. Just looking for opinions Thanks
Personally I find supermarkets stock brands such as Bakers and Winalot which I wouldn't touch with a barge pole. It's like giving your child macdonalds for every meal then wondering why they are so hyper and gaining so much weight. I look at the ingredients of kibble and go for ones that have a meat content rather than meat derivatives .
Have you considered ordering via the internet or over the phone. You can often get vouchers or special offers and I find it helps me save money and getting deliveries saves my back. I don't feed any foods which are available at the supermarkets because they are usually foods which not very suitable for my dogs. I find the more expensive foods last longer because I don't have to feed as much. I often use the all about dog food website to compare foods and decide which will be good for my dogs
Can you have the food delivered rather than travelling? If you're on a budget, I believe Skinners is a good mid-range kibble that you can buy at a cheaper price because it is VAT free. Might be worth looking into. I agree that I wouldn't feed most brands that are available in supermarkets.
My Sam is fed on Skinners duck and rice, with added raw foods , a 15 kilos sack lasts him for about six weeks as the amount I feed is reduced because of the extras he has . I buy it from Amazon , usually delivered the next day and as @snowbunny says, its a good mid ranger .
Thanks for advice its not that i am on a budget its more that penny is going off the Wainrights dry food a bit ..i would like to change her food or at least mix something through it to make it more appealing...i dont want to give her cheap food and dont mind travelling but i might try online that would be convenient and maybe not as costly ...dont want to upset her digestion too much by changing everything at once ..btw i wonder if some pet stores (pets at home) advocate certain brands seemed they were pushing the wainrights a bit more than others
This is supposed to be awesome food...they are just down the road from me you and have reminded me to pop in, thank you
Ive used Millieswolf heart products for a while and I really like their foods and their delivery service is excellent
I feed my 5 month old a grain free kibble called Taste of the Wild. He eats the roasted bison & venison kind. It is about $45 for a 30lb bag. He was kind of picky about eating when he was younger, such as not finishing all his dry kibble. He hasn't been lucky enough to try wet food yet, but now finishes his whole bowl of food for each meal. You can order it online!
Pets at Home also produce Aatu which is a 5 star rated kibble - you oay your money and take your choices. @Jacqueline Mckendrick I've used Millie's and service is excellent and despite changing varities I foynd it didn't suit my girl so have changed to another product. A giid place to research an alternative produce is https://www.allaboutdogfood.co.uk/the-dog-food-directory
We use Millies Wolfheart, and buy online. Their service is second to none, and have always offered great nutritional advice. Delivery is free over a certain amount. I have used a few different formulations, depending on needs at that time. They also use novel proteins so less chance of food intolerance. There is no chicken in their kibble. I am a bit skeptical tbh of online review sites, they are not necessarily accurate, and can carry a bias. To get a real understanding and perspective around feeding our dogs, and indeed what goes into our canine's dinner, this book is excellent as a guide into how to make evidence based decisions that are right for our dogs. Dog Food Logic by Linda Case https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dog-Food-Logic-Decisions-Choices/dp/1617811386
Coco has Winalot cans (or Pedigree when there's no Winalot in Jelly) from the supermarket, mixed in with his Skinners. I know it's not the best, but he does love it and it is convenient as well as cheap & cheerful. Our dogs have always had a tin of supermarket food - this is a throwback to OH who thinks dogs MUST eat wet food.
TBH so am I but the sites are useful for researching the market for potential products to research more fully. Reading Dog Food Logic can help with those decisions. Having seen recent research, courtesy of Linda P Case, I have little faith in foods that claim to be single source and aren't or to be fish but are predominantly chicken .....
We use Fromm Family Gold large breed puppy. The whole litter is on it and all seem to have done well. It's not the most expensive, but it is "above average" in quality. 15Kg cost 58€ and lasts just over 6 weeks, so about 9,50€ a week. The cheap foods are somewhere 25-30€, so about 5€ a week. The way we looked at it was: If we can't afford an extra 4,50€ a week to feed something decent to the boy, then we can't afford to be dog owners.
We buy Skinners Salmon & Rice on Amazon's automatic order service with free delivery so I don't ever run out because I don't have to ever remember to order it You can adjust your order whenever you choose. They have never let me down. x
I feed Skinners too, it's good value (especially with Amazon delivery) and Tansy looks really glossy on it. I top it up with Forthglade wet food which is excellent quality I think but expensive to feed alone.