You are lucky that your little human knew this. We have no little humans here so that was not an option...glad you did not miss out on anything
@drjs@5 Lilly I will finally have piece and quiet. She is a little annoying at times as I will be a sleep and she will then come up and talk to me. I will look after Sister Sally when she comes (she is not really my sister but...) Daddy said she will come around lunch time, and apparently I heard mummy and daddy say that they might work from home some days in the morning. Not sure what means, but the sound of home I like.
@edzbird Coco I hope so too that I find the hour. You enjoy your beach all day, while I will sulk and won't. I hope I get my beach back soon...I still get to go in the morning....
I farted in Mum's face this morning when we were having bed cuddles. I trumped then she squeaked. Hehehe Shadow farty-pants
I hate bafs. Bafs are the worst. Mummy said Stanley stop rolling in poo and you won't have to have a baf. I don't see what the poo has to do with anything. I'm at my best with a fox poo smell wafting around me. I'm now in solitary confinement drying off Stanley
We had cheesy toast cheesy toast cheesy toast. We love cheesy toast cheesy toast cheesy toast. Cheesy toast is the best. Did we mention that we had cheesy toast
I agree. Eau de Renard is my favourite parfum. My BF Ted thinks I'm really interesting when I have a dab behind my ears.
Daddy and mummy where at home all day yesterday, apperantly it was a long weekend. Anyway I got a run about in the morning, then they did loads and loads of kleenin. That was really boring so I had a snooze. Then finally we went out for a long walk along the esplanade. But I was not allowed on the beach...well that was boring at first, but then met loads and loads of dogs on my walk. Today daddy went to work but mummy stayed homed for a bit. Then she went to work but came home early and I got a sleep with her. I am off to school tonight, but hope daddy comes home first as last time we had to go and find him...
I'm off to school tonight too. I love school. It's the best thing. I love to do good and earn treats and plays. I'm a really good boy at school. I really hope my friend Loki is there. My other best friend, Alaska, is off school - she's in Seesun. I don't know where that is, I hope it's fun. There were 3 new, norty dogs last week - I wonder if they'll be back..? - Coco
Hello everyone. My name's Joy and I'm FIVE now! That's big isn't it? Mother says no no Joy you're five months not five years. What is a year? I don't think I've had one. Can you eat them? Is it anything to do with ears? I know about ears I've been to the vet with mine. He says I've got a bit of thread in one and he will have to take it out. Mother can't think how it got there but I think I must have ate it. Mother says I would eat until it came out of my ears so that's what's happening. I am a GOOD girl Joy.
Well that answers that question! Mum keeps asking me "Who's a good girl?". Now I can tell her, it's Joy! Luna
Hello Joy my name is Indie but everyone calls me the Pig. Actually my full name is Indiana Pigletina Bobblepig because mummy keeps adding middle names but Daddy can’t remember it. I’m a labbydor but with Pointer Pants on. When I wear my Pointer Pants I like to hunt things like nice fat Pidgeys and Fezants and Deers and run and run. But my labbydor tummy means I also like to eat chicken and drool on people’s knees. Mum says I am at my best when I am asleep. What are your favourite things to do apart from keeping things in your ears? Love the Pig x
Hello Pig, I like to runandrunandrun and jump on BIG DOGS' HEADS. I also like bitey face and eating. Today I have a NEW TOY. It's a pink pig and it squeaky-grunts. Mother calls me other names too, mostly Pupplewick Scoobywooby. Your middle names sound very posh. Mother says I'm quite posh as I've got my own Ode. Don't know if you can eat it. Really got the hang of pink pig squeaky grunt now. I can do it LOUDLOUDLOUD. Mother says it's going in the box at night time.Love Joy.(GOOD girl Joy) x
Hello Luna, I thought you were Luna who I play with but Mother said that's Luna Lurcher and you are Luna Labrador. Got to go and pay with very loud squeaky-grunt pink pig now.x