Re: Breagh She is lovely Kitty , a smashing eager face Note to self , stop looking at puppies, makes me broody
Re: Breagh Managed to get one of your image links to work Kitty, but not sure why the others don't. She is very beautiful!
Re: Breagh What a gorgeous picture. I have that broody problem too, but am resisting hints (ha ha) from my daughter that its easier to have 2 dogs than just the one. I have said when we have Lilly perfectly trained I will consider it. (well....that's never going to happen!) Jacqui
Re: Breagh Thank you for your lovely comments; we do think she's beautiful, of course, but she has this little pair of red horns that appear from time to time... 2 slugs eaten this morning, plus a new hole appeared in a rug; I won't list all the naughty things else we'll be here all day!