I'm actually feeling quite sad about both your little hedgehogs. Maybe go back to the shop and try for "third time's a charm"? And maybe put the third one in his own little hedgehog crate and lock the door? A friend's Weimeraner used to have a thing for hedgehog stuffies. It was the only kind of stuffy she loved, so they bought her dozens. They had a big house and they were everywhere, in various stages of life expectancy. Maybe if you bought Stanley his own hedgie, he'd leave yours the heck alone?
Does anyone else have a dog who has to walk through or under their legs every time they come into the same room as you? Squidge has always done this, which was fine when she was eight weeks, but she's now an eleven-month old fatty fatty bum bum that doesn't fit! I sit with my feet on the coffee table while I'm working, and she always pushes underneath, lifting my legs by about nine inches. Every. Single. Time.
No, thank god Axel doesn’t do this, anymore (had to edit to add ‘anymore’) He would knock me over I’m sure lol
After a grueling session at work and getting home Late I took Rory for a shorter walk but took his football. You should have seen him he went into full ants in his pants Labrador dancing when he saw the toy bag come out. when I went to get his football he stood by the window watching with absolute glee. We had fun and I managed to call him away from the football once I'd thrown it. He didn't come back totally just half way but for him it was a big success. Despite having a shorter walk we had a wonderful time. Moo came too but she thinks footballs are for loosers
A strange thing happened this morning. Alfie is the softest goofball of a dog I ve ever had and has never raised an eye brow at anything. This morning though I was walking him before work (about 630) and we were walking home and there was a teenage boy stood at the bus stop. He went towards Alfie and Alfie barked and growled at him . I ve never known him act like this and can't work out what triggered it .
The boy he didn't like the look of him?if it's quiet and no ones about and a man approachable me I my area my boys will bark. If they Smell of drugs or are drunk they will bark too
Yeah I agree, there was probably something off about the boy that Alfie picked up on, who knows what. But if it isn't a regular occurence, maybe he was just cued in to something you weren't and was protecting you.
Has anyone read Perfect Puppy? I bought it to read because the puppy course I booked on is based on that program. Anyways I left it by the bedside to read, fast forward to the afternoon and I hear suspicious noises coming from downstairs. I wish I had my camera because it was a picture perfect moment
Coco is fairly polite with doorways. Going through internal doors, he likes to either go behind me or we go together and he insists he goes on the left of me. He will shuffle about if I try anything different. Funny beast.
Haha, Luna gave my copy a good chew the day it arrived Which is slightly less annoying than the fact she chewed my Kindle the other day, too...
All the best dogs take an interest in good literature. And thank you for giving me the excuse to post my favourite photo of Brogan and Jodhi for the 102nd time.
This is such an amazing photo and reminds me that I need to get more pictures of Kaila for you She is so pretty Brogan is too delicious
Thank you The boy was just waiting for bus wearing school uniform. I think you guys are right maybe something seemed off that Alfie could tell but I couldnt or the dark and quiet made he want to keep it to just the two of us.. On a different note Alfie ripped up my copy of Marley and Me lol
Fabulous photo just love Jodhi's grin! I would've cropped out the personal item before posting though...