The dogs are the main obstacles, I can’t count the times I’ve tripped over one or the other! Morning poo time is hilarious, done strictly in age order (I won’t video that! ) Poor Zaba gets to eat and sleep with the laundry. But he’s my brother’s favourite so gets he constant tummy rubs and fuss when my brother is home. .
That was too cute!! Mollie has an amazing temperment, what a sweetie, and Keir's so adorable with his lazy chewing
What restraint, Mollie! Though she's possibly saying to the camera, "I know you're filming me, so I'm being really good!" at one point!
Keir has eaten half a toy It was all the ‘legs’ of a large Kong wubba - so a lot! Looks like we have an ‘eat anything’ pup It was good to have GD welfare at the end of the phone to discuss it - he recommended watching and waiting. I’ve done this before several times with Tatze. All soft toys have now gone away to be used only under close supervision Proof that no pup is perfect - he was lining up for the ‘perfect puppy’ prize until that happened. Tsk! Who, me? .
STOP PRESS!! It wasn’t Keir! I found him chewing the end so I assumed it was him, nope - it was the usual suspect, Tatze. She threw it all up this afternoon. Relief on many counts!
So Keir is back to being a contender for "perfect puppy" again? To be fair to you, though, he does look kind of guilty in that photo!
Yes - I can’t fault him. But - I can see that he very much has a mind of his own and the teenage months will be interesting! Last night he wouldn’t wee as it was raining outside. He just sat down and looked at me as if to say ‘you are joking?’ He’d had a huge drink and no wee since 9pm. I felt sure he’d shout in the night but no, he held it till morning then weed a river .