Pup Chews (and eats?) EVERYTHING, when should I be concerned?

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Dina, Oct 11, 2017.

  1. Dina

    Dina Registered Users

    Oct 11, 2017
    Hi everyone!

    I have an 8 month old Lab puppy that I recently acquired and she chews on everything in sight. and I mean EVERYTHING. (I've had her for 5 weeks and she has chewed up a pair of shoes, ingested a quarter, shredded a cardboard box, chewed on lots of mulch, and destroyed several toys!!! When I say "power chewer" I mean it). I have taken her to the vet for twice ingesting stuff... and every time they tell me to wait it out, and that she's fine (and she always has been). They are starting to think I'm a dog-hypochondriac. :oops:

    Yesterday I was gone so the neighbor kid let her out to play fetch with a frisbee. Apparently when she put her back in her kennel, Pup carried the plastic Frisbee in with her. Anyway, I got home late last night and found the frisbee half-chewed. I was only slightly concerned at that point... there was a big mess of little yellow plastic pieces everywhere, so I thought she didn't ingest them. However, early this morning I woke up to the sound of dog barf. The (small amount of) vomit didn't contain any plastic pieces. I immediately was concerned about an intestinal blockage from the somewhat jagged frisbee pieces. I also didn't want to induce vomiting for fear of damaging the esophagus (and at that point it was far too late). I gave her a large breakfast of a few scoops of her normal kibble, boiled chicken and rice. She has her normal appetite and drinks plenty of water. Went #1 and #2 (there was a couple little specs of plastic in there). She was happy and energetic on our morning walk. Our vet charges for call ins, and they think I'm crazy already, so I figured I'd ask some people before I did that. Plus she isn't acting sick at all. Should I still be concerned?

  2. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    I’d say the chances are the bits of plastic will pass through. If she’s eating, drinking and pooing ok I think I wouldn’t worry. Obviously if she seems lethargic, is sick again or can’t poo then I’d call the vet.
    Hope all is well.:)
    Dina likes this.
  3. Shelia Halford

    Shelia Halford Registered Users

    Oct 11, 2017
    Oh my, I can empathize with you! I have 4 Lab/Brittiany Spaniel mix 17 month olds that live outside in a fenced yard. They eat everything, deck posts, siding on the house, plywood, even the links on the kennel! I swear I don't know how they survive. No matter how I pup proof the yard they find things I didn't know I have. Never have they gotten sick or acted like they felt bad. I think they were born with cast iron insides. Their Dad who lives inside did the same thing when he was a pup, shoes, computer mouse, window sills, tv romote, scentsy wax and room spray, I didn't think he would ever out grow it. Enjoy your baby, they do eventually grow out of it.
    Dina likes this.
  4. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    @Boogie, I think @Dina needs to hear some of your Tatze stories :D

    Welcome to the forum. It will pass (in more ways than one). As Joy says, keep an eye out and call the vet at the first sign of lethargy, looking at her tummy or if she is unable to poo solids, but otherwise I would try not to worry. Dogs have eaten far worse!
    Dina likes this.
  5. Dina

    Dina Registered Users

    Oct 11, 2017
    Thank you all for your replies!! She seems to have "passed" most of it as I am not finding little plastic bits anymore. She is her happy self and everything comes out solid and normal. I overreacted. Really glad I made an account on this forum though, I am having fun reading about everyone's lovely labbies!!
    Joy and selina27 like this.

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