Total disgrace of a hooligan puppy - went swimming!

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by JulieT, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Just took Charlie to the big beach - reasonably busy with walkers and dogs. Very windy with big waves.

    What a hooligan! You'd have thought the dog hadn't had a day's training in his life! Luckily, everyone (er...well...most people :-[) seemed to be happy to say hello to a bouncy 8 month old lab ::).

    He met two big black labradors from Lancashire who were fetching a ball out of the sea, swimming through big waves - very pro swimmers. He jumped in and swam with them. Then, on the way back to the car park he did a sharp left turn, legged it over some sand dunes and took a flying jump into the river. With no thought whatsoever how he was going to get out! Not a bother on him, he just swam along until there was a slope in the bank.

    This is the puppy who wouldn't get his knees wet in August... I guess they get a braver when their legs grow.

    Whay-hey! Dock dogs here we come!
  2. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Total disgrace of a hooligan puppy - went swimming!

    Go for it Charlie ;D ;D I find that when its windy and stormy like today has been in Pasty Land , dogs seem to get a bit wired , Sam was like a spring lamb at Golitha this afternoon, bounding around like he hadnt ever been walked , Millie trainling behind looking thoroughly miserable, she dosent do " wet " :)

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