fostered jasper out for the day

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by lynnelogan, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    Don't worry, Lynne, no-one is criticising. Everyone knows how diligently you've worked with Jasper. He's your first dog and yet you've taught him so much - and that's obvious to everyone :)

    I didn't think there was any criticism in Pippa's post. I thought that it was mostly pointing out for all of us why what looks like a 'temporary developmental rebellious phase' is actually something that needs ongoing training - or they will never 'grow out of it'. As Pippa said, dogs do change a bit and become more independent towards the end of the first year, but we all need to keep up our training efforts to direct that new independence and confidence into good behaviour :) As you had already said, that's your plan, and I'm sure you'll succeed.

    While I'm one of the people who use the term 'teenage phase' I definitely believe that it's not temporary and that, if anything, it's a prompt that we need to heed, telling us to keep up the training and learning if we want well behaved adult dogs (and not 'lifelong adolescents'). You're a good trainer, Lynne, and you and Jasper will move on from this.
  2. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    Lynne please don't get upset. Like everyone has said I admire you hugely for over coming your fear of dogs and training Jasper to such a high standard. Would it be possible to attend an obedience class with Jasper which might calm him down around other dogs making it easier for you to recall him when out and about with other doggie distractions?

    This is the only area you need a little extra work on. Crickey look at all the work I have to do with Charlie boy, I am a shadow of my former self :eek: Lynne, we are all here to help and listen and nobody is being critical, you are being too hard on yourself, so just take a step back and you WILL do it because you work so hard and Jasper is a great boy :*. Please cheer up none of us want to think you are upset.

    Helen xx :)
  3. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    i have been very upset and not afraid to say so or point out that pippa as upset me,....if you are going to comment on videos, think before commenting , most on this forum have bought your book :),from time to time they may need some help or advice , if you are going to comment on one comment on them all , i have worked my butt off with the recall and put my own little video, that i was very proud of, we had worked from the house to the garden to the out side, ......if piipa you thought i was doing wrong i would have been more than happy with your advice on correction.....i do agree that dogs do not go through teenage rebellion, i have had no problems with jasper :) with his training, just when he meets other dogs he just seems to go into his own world ,....i also think he could be a bit mixed up, as i left him for a short break and mark as left him for 3 weeks, :)....i have never stopped training him or took my eye off the ball,...every day we train, at least twice a day ???
    i am always grateful for the advice i get from this forum,....... thank you to you all that have helped me along the way :)
    we have been to obedience classes,....mixed with other dog walkers, it just don't make any difference,he just loves every dog, hence the reason i am thinking of getting another dog,.....i am sure if i can recall him from any room in the house, a person holding the best smelling freshly cooked treats......he as no interest in people walking on the field , young guys playing ball ect,....IT IS JUST OTHER DOGS .....
  4. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    Lynne, I'm sorry to be a bit dense, but I'm not sure of what has upset you, though I am really sorry to see you upset.

    Did you feel that people were giving you advice that you already knew, when you had already moved on to more advanced stages? If that is is, I am totally sure that there was absolutely no intention to talk down to you, if that's what you felt it was.

    I am not saying that you needed reminding of basics, but I know that I sure do from time to time... ;D To tell you a story - I've taught many puppy classes and have told many handlers about the importance of using extremely enticing treats, working out what your dog really loves etc. Anyway, when we first took Obi to meet the day care owner (she is also a behavourist) I said to her that I was finding it hard to get Obi's attention at times. She asked me what kind of treats I was using. I said 'Kibble'. She said "Now, what I want you to do is try some different treats and work out what he really loves, because the kibble is probably just not attractive enough". Well, of course she was right and I felt so embarrassed ;D ;D ;D And on the way home we bought a BBQ'd chicken ;D

    Everyone on here, and especially Pippa, only wants to help. That's the whole purpose of the Labrador Site and this forum :) Maintaining the site would be a massive job, and it's all done voluntarily. Might be good to cut a little slack... :)
  5. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    thank you for your reply,.....i will stress over and over jasper id not food motivated . to get him to sit and walk to heel is difficult......whem he is not to happy with food.......amd believe me i have the whammy treats . as you all know anout the salmon that i have free, cooked somen to night, ii had him doing recall from every room, he went out in the garden recalled from there . so when we go out to the real worl it all goes wrong
  6. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    Yes, I remember you saying that Jasper is not food motivated :) (I didn't tell my little story to suggest that you need better treats....I know you have the treat angle covered! :) ) It's certainly more of a challenge with a non-food motivated dog. Really does make training so much easier when they (wrongly) think they are constantly on the verge of starvation ;D

    It's also always a challenge moving to a more distracting and exciting environment..... we are still working on getting Obi to walk calmly past other dogs at the dog club when we first arrive. He just wants to charge over to them. It used to take us quite some time to make it to the front gate...sitting and waiting every two steps.... But he's improved a lot since we started. He's still not 100% out on walks though if another dog passes (especially if the other dog stares, barks and lunges...!). Sometimes I still have to put food right in front of his face and keep shoveling the treats in.

    Last weekend I went to a big farm expo event and there were lots of dogs there, walking calmly past each other and lying calmly while their owners talked, looked at exhibits or had lunch. I was thinking.....sigh, maybe one day that'll be me ;D
  7. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    [quote author=lynnelogan link=topic=2980.msg31637#msg31637 date=1382399850]
    thank you for your reply,.....i will stress over and over jasper id not food motivated . to get him to sit and walk to heel is difficult......whem he is not to happy with food.......amd believe me i have the whammy treats . as you all know anout the salmon that i have free, cooked somen to night, ii had him doing recall from every room, he went out in the garden recalled from there . so when we go out to the real worl it all goes wrong

    Lynne, as you know Charlie is not food motivated and this does make training extra difficult and like you I cook chicken, sausage etc. I was just thinking do you take Jasper out when he is hungry, he might be more tempted to recall from dogs if he is? you could take his daily ration of kibble with you which is what I do with Charlie and now he is more interested in what's in my hand. If you already do that does Jasper have a real favourite toy that you could keep for this training and use it sparingly, a bit like 'snake' for Charlie? Just some thoughts. I hope you are OK today. Helen x :)
  8. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    I am sorry to hear that you are upset Lynne

    Do you mean me Lynne? To which video are we referring? Which video did I comment on?

    Which I rather thought I gave, happily and willingly. Many authors are not contactable at all.

    Is this the cause of the upset? Were you hoping for a comment on something that was not forthcoming?

    Sadly, I’m afraid it simply is not possible for me to comment on all that is posted here!

    I spend as much time as I can answering people’s posts and comments on the main website, but I have to draw a line somewhere. If I want to stay married that is :)

    The way I select posts to reply to is very arbitrary I’m afraid. There have been several thousand posts this month already and I simply cannot read them all, so each time I come onto the forum, I glance through the posts in the ‘unread link’ and pick out those where I feel my own particular knowledge will make me most helpful. I usually do this by reading the post titles. I am not convinced that this link shows every post that has been put up since the last visit, there may be a number limit on it.

    I know this isn’t ideal, especially as some posts have titles which don’t really reflect the content. If anyone can suggest a better system, I would be glad to consider it?

    I most certainly don't 'cherry pick' posts based on who writes them, and if anyone feels that they are being left out, please do shout!

    I don’t think I have seen this video yet

    I do think it is important to bear in mind that every dog has at least one thing that he finds really attractive, and for many Labradors this one thing is other dogs, so you are not alone in this.

    To help you with your recall Lynne, I need to know which exercise you are on, and at which point you have got stuck. Then I will try and make a suggestion.

    Finally - here’s the thing

    I would love to pay equal attention and give equal help to each and every member here. But I don't think that would be possible. And for that I am truly sorry.

    However, if anyone has a video they would like me to comment on, or a problem or a forum post, they want to bring to my attention I can be contacted through the private message system. I am always willing to help if I have time.
    I may not be about constantly, but I do read my messages and reply to them all.

  9. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    no pippa i was not hoping for a comment on a post, most of my post are just for fun ,.......i am banging my head against the wall, i can recall jasper from any thing,birds, brooks, food,people .....i practised in my garden with my nieces dog and on the field,,,,i can recall him from frankie,.......i enter the field when there is no other dogs on, if jasper sees another dog he legs it and i am like a fool as he wont come back to me,......twice i have spoke to the owners and asked do you mind if i try and recall him, of course they didn't mind and was very helpful,.....its like he is in his own world,.....over the last 2 weeks i have had him on his long line, he never goes more than the 10 mtr away from me, so i am able to be in control if i do spot another dog,......once he spots the other dog and knows he can not get away from me he lies down waiting for them,.....some owners are quite happy to allow there dogs to have a run /play with him,.............i am lost how to recall him from other dogs,.....i am not very keen on the training line, as jasper does get tangled ,i am very careful when he tangles and always have my eye on him, i just keep him on the training line ? it better to have the line on a harnnes or a collar ?
    with out your book i would not have got this far,........the video i took i think was about 2 months ago, it was on farm land with lots of distractions, i have improved a lot from that, i do like watching videos of me and jasper as you can pick up your mistakes from them,.........i just feel deflated with this recall from dogs,.....he is a lovely boy, he as manners, very well behaved,....i have never missed a day training,...not being food motivated don't help,......sorry i went about it all wrong i just feel so down with this.......please if you can give me any advice i will gladly work hard..........every thing else i have worked at but i am at a loss with this, thank you in advance
  10. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    Hi Lynne, last time we talked about this, your Total Recall training had come to a halt because you couldn't find anyone to help you work through Chapter 13 (proofing with dogs). Has that situation changed now? Did you manage to work through any of the exercises there?

  11. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    yes i got my niece to help me with her dog,.....i have read all the book, and followed each step,.....perfect with every thing else, just other dogs,......i can recall him from her even when we are out, is like a light switch being turned off,.......shall i go back to chapter 13, or do i have to start it all over again,......i can recall him from every thing else
  12. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    Hi Lynne, at which point did you run into trouble?

    Which exercises in chapter 13 did you complete successfully with your nieces dog?

    The reason I ask is because you need to identify what you can do successfully, and move forward from there. It is likely that you'll need to do the exercises that Jasoer finds difficult, with more than one dog.

    This is where a trainer or training class can come in handy
  13. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    he was doing fine, .....then i had to do short lead walks for a month, ...when i was able to let him off lead, it all started going wrong, son is home friday, we will re read the book together and start from the beginning of recall from dogs, the mean time i will keep him on his training line, it best to have it fastened to a harness or a collar ?.........he would not abscond but he is likely to get seriously hurt if we don't correct this soon :(
    my son and i share the walks, will this do any harm in teaching him recall from dogs ? if so i can go with my son on the evening walk
    thank you for your time pippa i appreciate you help
  14. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    Hi Lynne, sharing care and exercise of a dog does not affect training provided all those concerned apply the same standards. If in doubt, don't take/share the whistle, then you are not risking messing up your whistle training.

    A flat buckle collar is ok, but a harness is the safest way to attach a training line.

  15. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    thank you pippa, i have been doing some reserch for a trainer, found one that i think may be suitable, i have emailed it to kate, she thinks this trainer will be ideal for jasper,........when i get there in a few months i will post a little video :)
    thank you for your advice
  16. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: fostered jasper out for the day

    She certainly looks excellent Lynne, being acredited by Victoria Stillwell and using her methods means that there wont be any harsh treatment , her recommendations are impressive too , hoping it helps :)
    I do think that often , the training is more for us than the dog , certainly was in my case anyway :)

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