Hello am collecting Monty on Friday and am unfortunately going solo so a crate will be needed. I have two types a fully in closed one or a metal crate . Metal crate I would be able to see him and keep an eye on him where as a fully in closed he might be more comfortable. What do you think ? Am going to line it with pee pads and an old towel for the trip in case of accidents .
I borrowed a plastic cat carrier for when Luna was a baby if I had to take her out unassisted. It worked well and she travelled brilliantly.
Yes, all our tiny GD pups travel short distances in cat carriers, strapped in the car with the seat belt. They come up in the specially built vans then into the cat carriers for their ongoing journey to us puppy walkers.
Yes, this is how I transported Cassie when she was small, it was really good. She's never had a problem with the car.