I've been getting up when little man has been crying, going out to toilet, back to bed. But how many hours do people find an 11 week old can go through the night. I don't know if I still need to do it. Thanks
I got up with my puppy whenever she cried at night from the day we brought her home - starting with 2 night time trips, down to 1, and then she slept through the night starting at 12.5 weeks. Their bladders all mature at different rates...you'll find one night he just doesn't wake you up anymore
They are so different @Beezette. I didn't get up at all and my pup only cried on night two. She used to wee and poo on newspaper I put down on the kitchen floor. She was dry and clean by about 12 weeks overnight. Some pups cry to alert you, some don't at all so their owners get up a few times through the night having set an alarm, then tail it off. Some are dry from the get-go, some take an inordinate amount of time! I guess maybe you can only know by testing? Getting up less and see if he is dry?
I just kept going until the puppy stopped crying. Usually around three to four months, depending on the pup. They don't have a great deal of control or understanding of it all until then.