Y’all will probably get a kick out of this but i just got my 12 week old lab pup yesterday and haven’t started any training stuff yet but she doesn’t seem to hear us when we try to get her attention. I know she doesn’t know her name yet but can anyone point me in the right direction on beginning to get her attention and come to me when called? Thanks very much
It might be a good idea to get her hearing checked out by the vet. That'd be my first step. If she's deaf then you can use all the normal training methods except you'll need to teach her visual cues, and also touch based cues. Most people use a sound based marker for training (like a clicker) but you can use a visual one, like a flash from a pen light or a hand signal like a thumbs up. If those terms don't make sense, just ask Initially, to get her attention, hold a small treat to her nose and then bring it up to your face. When she looks in your eyes give her the treat. Your hand moving towards your face can become a visual cue to 'look at me'.