It is now summer in South Africa and it has been a slow increase of heat. Which is unusual here. But for the last 3 days we have had summer in full heat. And Harley is hot. She has umpteen amounts of shade but it is humid as well as hot. Should I add electrolytes to her water?
I don't think it would hurt her although dog don't sweat like we do , but yes they can become dehydrated and quickly too , so it might be a plan . I`m tempted to say I envy you, but having spent a month in RSA when family lived there , I know how unbearable it can become x
I bought cool pads for Snowie - ordered them from Pietermaritzburg. Get very cold, great for hot weather. I’ve seen lovely photos of dog ices: freeze a bowl of chicken soup, pop the ice out of the bowl, and then let her lick and crunch away on the lawn.
We have cool mats and make ice lollies and cubes with chicken stock and a couple of treats in. Then have umbrellas/parasols (depending on where you live) around the garden including a paddling pool for her. She will take her lollies under the shade and enjoy. Plus we have plenty of toys that go in the freezer to play with filled with water etc. to cool her down. We found that works, never tried the electrolytes for the dog. We just make her drink after about 5min play before we continue play. Took us a while to get her to do this last summer.
I think I’m right in saying that dogs don’t need added electrolytes because they only lose water when they pant, not electrolytes, and that if you add electrolytes the kidneys will filter them out. - I bought them years ago tho! Hopefully she still sells them. Her name is Lisa. I paid R200 for two 40x40cm mats incl postage.
Thanks @MF. I decided to not be lazy and look it up for myself and I spoke to Lisa - she does still sell them and they are still reasonably priced. I have ordered some. They should be here next week.