Is this adolescence?

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Clare Smith, Nov 8, 2017.

  1. Clare Smith

    Clare Smith Registered Users

    Aug 11, 2017
    Our lovely 7month Labrador is doing so well in many ways but we went back to training classes yesterday and it was very difficult for her and us. She seemed incredibly over excited and stressed. Barking, yawning, jumping up, lunging etc. She's very good off-lead and tends to say hello, play if the other dog wants to and comes away as soon as she's asked. On lead she is often good but sometimes frustrated if unable to greet and last night seemed to magnify this, perhaps a room of 5 dogs plus owners and trainer was overwhelming for her? I realise she needs to learn she can't always greet everyone! and I felt so bad for her as she's usually a very calm and loving girl and I'm not sure how to help her as we do a fair bit of socialising. She does tend to alert bark with strangers or people walking near our home but I sense that's improving a bit and usually if it's in the house I ask guests to stand still and completely ignore her. She will bark and show off but after a couple of minutes she's fine and settles down. She's capable of walking beautifully on the lead and will often ignore distractions but again will sometimes over react to passers by or with barking and jumping or will pull and lunge at other distractions. What to do?!
  2. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    Also had she had a session yet?
  3. Clare Smith

    Clare Smith Registered Users

    Aug 11, 2017
    No, not yet. Could it be that? She's having a play date today and normally great but has rolled another dog a few times, in play, who told her off! Never normally does anything like that as she's normally good at knowing when other dogs have had enough.
  4. selina27

    selina27 Registered Users

    Aug 24, 2016
    Herefordshire UK
    Hi Clare, it could be that she's coming in season, I've noticed with Cassie who is 18 months and has now had two seasons, that she has an even more intense interest in other dogs of either sex in the days leading up to the start than she normally does. So it would be worth keeping a close eye on that department.
    Or it could be Labrador hyperness!
    SwampDonkey likes this.

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