My 6mth old is barking and sounds like a bit of a growl at the end of it occasionally....and it around 3.30 AM! She normally sleeps though well doesn't wake me like this... What could be up? I don't think its a lonely cry.
Aspen does this but only if he is in his crate. If he sleeps with us in our bed, he will sleep from 9:30pm-7am. I don't know how to get him to not bark! But he does it if he wants to. Sorry I can't really answer your question but you are not alone!
Thank you so much for your support....xx She never does it like she did tonight so it was a bit strange. I wonder if she's in a sensitive stage?
Some dogs howl in their sleep. my dogs will be asleep and wake themselves up barking and howling. I've have one who sits up howls eerily eyes wide open then lies back down and sleeps. I just wondered if your pups are dreaming and waking themselves and you up
Mine barked for about an hour and a half....and don't think she's done that since her first wee puppy night where she made noise almost all night!
Yes, it is. Used to sleep like a dream when he was 8 weeks which I feel it is supposed to be the exact opposite! Am hoping he will grow out of it
Ripple has periods of doing this - mostly when OH is home. When OH is away working Ripple sleeps through with no problem (unless he's eaten something to upset his tummy ). No idea why this is as neither of us get up to him unless it's the 'poo' bark, and as far as I can see everything else is the same. Really has me puzzled .
Bailey sleep barks and growls - most nights its just a gentle muffled noise, but on Saturday night (when in the UK about a million and one fireworks had been let off all around the house) Bailey woke us up in the heaven knows what time of stupid o'clock with all four of his legs "running" barking at the top of his voice and growling all while completely sound asleep! He was laying on our bed at the time, in between us, so the duvet went flying and once I had realised the roof of the house had not come off I did have to wake him up. He sort of looked at me like "mum why did you do that, it was a brilliant dream" huffed at me, resettled himself and started snoring within seconds!
Man she did it again but for longer...i didn't get up to hard when they do this... Could she be coming into season? Or isn't 6mths they go through a fearful stage? Just odd as it's hardly ever happen like this...
Could she be hearing something outside - cats, wildlife ( not sure what you have in NZ), something rattling in the wind or a neighbour? When Molly was about 15 months old one of our neighbours changed their shift-work patterns and started to arrive home in the early hours which set her off barking. I moved her back to sleeping in my bedroom which did the trick -she now sleeps downstairs again.