I'M BACK!! Mum came and got me this morning but I'm a bit confused - i think everything is in the same places, I'm just checking, but I'm keeping an eye on Mum too in case she disappears again. Will catch up with you all later . Ripple
Rory, Moo, Mabel, I think I might get to see you all again tomorrow! Mom's washed my harness (why? it's lovely and muddy and smells just right) and has said we are going to the posh bit of warikshur and I need to be on my best behayvur! Mabel I still luuuuurve you
Oh! Oh! Oh! I went for coffee n cake this afternoon - to the cafe where I used to be an inmate. I saw an old pal of mine walk by with his own pet dog & I barked and barked for him. I was "told off" - apparently there are "ROOLS" that say "Dogs mustn't beg" (I didn't) "dogs must remain on the floor" (I did) & "no barking" (I failed) - but I SO wanted to see my old friend, and when we went out he'd gone. I'm feeling a bit sad. But I did get cake & dog biskit. And I did get an extra walk. - Coco
Glad you are back Ripple. Hope nothing has changed to much whilst you where away. Did they give you a good present when they picked you up (or was it one of those t-shirt moments??) I got a new collar and lead, well I like the collar it is pink and so soft. Vanilla
Hola, everyone, it is I, Conchita the Canny. Let me tell you what a peculiar thing happened the other day. Foster mama and foster papa took me on a drive. It was long but I didn't sleep; I like to look out of the window even though foster mama tells me it will be more comfortable if I lay down on the seat. Hah, when you've had nothing but walls to look at for years, it is truly meravellós to be able to see the whole world flashing by, and so ràpidament! Well, when we got to where we were going, a nice man took me away from foster mama and foster papa. I was scared but the man was very nice, and he gave me something that made me very, very sleepy. When I woke up, I didn't feel good at all. There were lots of people around who were all sympàtic, but I just wanted my foster mama and foster papa. They didn't come and get me until the next day, so I had to spend a whole night by myself. I don't know what they were playing at, but when they came back to me, I made sure to give them my best hurt expression. It's all very odd since then. Something's missing from my corner. A hurt is missing, but something else, too. I feel fabulosa but foster mama keeps squeaking at me when I try to go upstairs or jump on or off the sofa and she's not taking me on walks. I am getting lots of nice treats morning and night. I know foster mama is hiding something in the treats, but I don't mind because they're so tasty and I feel en els núvols afterwards. I hope my walks come back because I have learned to love them, but foster mama says I have to be good and stay nice and quiet for a while until I am better. Better than what, I wonder. I am already perfecte just as I am!
Well hello Conchita, so good to hear from you!! I was just looking for you on your foster mama’s thread. So glad to hear you’re feeling fabulousa!! And one of your ouchies is gone, and the other one will be gone soon too. It sounds like you’re going to keep you foster mama busy for the next while, but try to be good so you can go on those wonderful walks again soon. Love from Ariel
Concheetah I think it is good that one of your corners is gone as it sounded like an ouchie one. Doggies have too many corners anyhow, you only need two back ones for scampering and boinging, and one front one for prodding and slapping things. Triangle doggies seem just as good as regular square doggies. Also, hoomans keep going on about ‘keeping all four paws on the ground’ and that is boring. I recommend keeping two paws on the kitchen counter and your other one in the butter
Woah! Conchita! Your ouchie is gone from you corner? That has to be worth a celebration - and what better way to celebrate than with cheezes? I hope your foster mama & foster papa are making sure you get that healing, celebratory cheez. - Coco
Hola Conchita! Glad to hav you bak! Not sure about about ouchie cornerz - not sure at all - but glad your ouchie haz gone. (I slurp out empty corner potz, never been ouchie, so confuzelled) Lilly x
It's been all go since I got back , I've been trying to catch up on everything - poo eating, grass eating, twig munching, cat chasin, snoozing in my barskit, ball fetchin, going out with my hooman sister to the cafe, and today I even went gundog training. I am sooo sooo tired with all the xcitement. Was I supposed to get a present - I didn't get anything - but I did get my Mum back, so that was like a present really . And Dad has gone away again so it's just me and Mum, and that's the best . Ripple
Mum says that on the day after the day after today, EMMILEEE is coming again. I like EMMILEEE. But mum says we are going to go to a PUB and I have to be a good boy, and she says I've never been to anywhere like a PUB before and she says I should come on here and ask all my mates about how to be a good boy in a PUB. Can anyone out there help me? Pongo (confused but quite excited...)
Pongo Pongo Pongo! Pubs are brilliant! Everyone loves you in the pub. You hide under the table quietly and your daddy feeds you chips then you pop out randomly to say hello to people and they squeal in delight. I love it! I hope I get to go to a pub soon! Stanley
Hmmm - OK, that sounds pretty good. Food on floor. Chips. Squeally people to bounce all over. Yep, I know how to do all of that, thanks everyone. Ermmm - that bit about "hiding under the table quietly".... is that really necessary?
Pongo yis it is necessary but only so that the person bringing plates of food doesn’t see you. So you sneak and weasel under the table and when the man with the plates gets close you leap out and shove your nose in your mummy’s pie and chipses. Once you’ve done that you can come out and be a newsance. I like being a newsance. Love, the Pig.