Pubs are great. There's so much to do I'm always zorsted afterwards. My favourite pub game is very slowly crawling along to the next table. Mum and dad think I'm asleep, and everyone gets a big surprise when I suddenly put my head on someone's lap at the next table. You have to keep your eye on the food people. They walk past with all sorts of nice things like burgas and stakes. It's fun to jump up at them, specially when they have lots of plates.
This. THIS!!! this is what I'm going to do. Thank you Holly! I'll tell you all about it when I see you next. Pongo
Pongo, I didn't like pubs at first because I had to lie quietly and it was BOOORING. But Mother said we must purserveer and now I try to go into the pub every time we go past it. When we're there I get lots of fuss then I do SIT then I do DOWN then I do STAY then I get a chew and everyone goes AHHH and I am GoodGirlJoy.When I've finished my chew I do it all over again and get another chew. It's quite simple really, just keep repeating it and the hoomans fall for it every time.
Joy, that is because you are GoodGirlJoy. I am PainintheAssPig so I spend my time pulling on my lead knocking chairs over trying to get to crumbs just out of reach. A good pub trip is one when I end up with gravy on my snout
We don't go to the pub, we go to the cafe for hot chocolate and cake. When we're there I'm ForgodsakeRipple cos I like to knock chairs over and jump on the table . Ripple
Oh! I am ForGodsSakePig sometimes too! P’raps we are related Ripple. Also WeShouldveLeftYouatHomePig. They must like me lots because they’ve given me loads of good names.
Its my BIRTHDAY and I had a special walk with Moo and a special tea. I had loads of hugs. When we took moo to the park loads of people tried to hug her and pat her but she just ignored them so I had to he hugged instead I liked being hugged. I celebrated by destroying the zips on my bed
You are all lucky that you have so many names! I wonder what my pub name will be? I'll tell you tomorrow! Pongo xxx
Well the idiot boy is now 4 I can't believe it's 4 years since I took him in.He's alright I suppose. I went to my park and my public were pleased to see me. Oh and I did a wee on the sofa he he he. I had a nice day and a yummy tea life is good Moo the placid but not fooling anyone
Pongo like everybody else has said pups are amazing. We dont go often, but there is a special one that does doggy beer, Doggy Beer. Now that tastes very good. Especially with some stake and chips...hope you got some doggy beer.
Happy birthday, Rory! It’s almost my birthday too but I’m not 4...I think that’s a full grownup! Did you get special treats? I hope so! Quinn
Happy birthday Rory . My birthday is not for ages and I don't think I've got zips on my bed - I'll have to have a look. Ripple
Its very effective ripple ginger jumped into the bed with me and well played. See tickled me loads and I howled and tried to do the tiny pinchy bitey nip nip thing I made her squeal and giggle.