Scratched "bits" - what can I use to heal it

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Carys, Nov 24, 2017.

  1. Carys

    Carys Registered Users

    Apr 21, 2017

    Cody seems to have a raised area just above his bits and slightly on it. Its currently red and slightly raised (no broken skin) - looks like it has been scratched. He is licking it quite a lot which worries me because we previously had a dog who became quite obsessive about washing and then got more sore.

    I noticed he did a similar thing to his arm pit a few weeks ago but a few "no's" and he stopped washing that particular area and lost interest.

    I know i am particularly sensitive to any excessive washing (the other dog is on steroids for life now as it was diagnosed as a skin condition)

    Anyway... back to his "bits". It looks sore. Is there anything I can put on it which is safe to use and will let it heal as well as deter him from licking.

    I used hibiscus on his face when he has acne but didn't want to apply anything without advice.
  2. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Hibiscrub won't do any damage but probably isn't necessary if it's just a graze. I would just distract him from licking - I either use a game/training/kong or just put my hand over the bit they're trying to lick and they get bored.
  3. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Labradors can turn a scrape like this into an infected hot spot faster than you can blink. My advice would be to go to the vet. The vet can check cells under the microscope for an infection. He may need antibiotic ointment on it and a cone on his head. Don’t try to treat it at home or you could soon be dealing with something that needs systemic (oral) antibiotics as opposed to just a cream. That might sound overly dramatic but unfortunately it isn’t. Quick vet treatment is the way to go.
  4. Carys

    Carys Registered Users

    Apr 21, 2017
    Hey, I have been doing that but only because I happen to be off work.

    Thankfully we are both here over the weekend but come Monday if he has aggravated it I may get the Hibi on it to deter him.

    Thank you :)
  5. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    It probably won't - my dogs will still lick after Hibiscrub has been applied if they're not distracted. If it looks to be something more than a graze, or if the licking isn't stopping, take him to the vet, as Rachael says. Mine are always covered in grazes, so if I went to the vet for every single one, I'd be living on the street, but if you suspect it's something more, then absolutely go.
  6. Carys

    Carys Registered Users

    Apr 21, 2017

    posted at the same time. At the moment I can't take him to the vets for it, it is just a graze. The amount of little cuts he gets (running under bushes etc) I would live at the vets and be broke:)

    I will keep an eye on it. My main concern was its location and his interest in it. It it looks like it is getting any angrier then I will pay them a visit.

    Our vets won't do any of the stuff you have mentioned though, they will just examine him (no microscope etc) and then sell the cream :)
  7. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    A graze I wouldn’t worry about. A graze that’s attracting attention and licking I would worry about.

    Speaking from recent experience here. Our dog is on topical antibiotics (and has just come out of a cone) after he turned a tiny scrape into an infected mess in about 2 days. The Vet scolded me roundly for leaving it that long.
    Carys likes this.

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