counter surfing bread thief!

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by JulieT, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. Mark

    Mark Registered Users

    Jan 7, 2013
    Re: counter surfing bread thief!

    [quote author=Maggie68 link=topic=3049.msg32237#msg32237 date=1382793585]
    Hi there, Well these past three days, Otis has been counter surfing for england, think it might all be food driven, he has been a lot naughtier since his castration op, and loves his food even more. He will swipe anything off the counter within reach, and Im not the tidiest of people so have had to learn to put things away. He got the margarine carton the other day whilst I was on the phone, and licked it clean ! So any tips to stop this behaviour ? I dont think treating him when he stops is the way either, he might see it as a reward for doing it, maybe just leading him to his basket.

    When Poppy was doing just the same the advice given by a dog trainer was to find a tin like this:

    and put some stones inside it and then tape the lid on securely with PVC tape or selloptape. ( to make a noisy rattle)

    Stand the tin on the kitchen worktop or table and when the dog jumps up knock the tin on the floor beside them, the noise will startle him and they learn quickly.
    ( Our Dog trainer said throw the tin at the dog but we are too soft and loving for that :) )

    Poppy would steal everything from the worktop or draining board etc and was cured of her naughtiness within a few hours.

    I set little traps with the tin stood on a teacloth or towel on the kitchen worktop so when poppy jumped up to grab the cloth she pulled the tin down onto the floor.

    She would also steal anything that was hanging on a radiator and now does not touch anything high up and is just about the most perfect and polite puppy.
  2. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: counter surfing bread thief!

    I'm a bit wary of the tin / tray of cutlery on the counter ideas - don't know whether I'm right to be or not. It seems a bit risky to give a dog a fright such that he'll stop doing something that's quite rewarding. I'm sure it could work, but worry it might be a bit unreliable in terms of what the dog associates the fright with - the kitchen, or the bird that flew by the window at the same time, or that particular cupboard, or tins....

    Dunno, might be I'm just a bit of a wimp (I'm sure that's true!).
  3. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: counter surfing bread thief!

    I agree Julie, I am a wimp too though. Even if something gets dropped accidentally in the kitchen Charlie looks really frightened so I wouldn't set him up for a fright :(

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