Barking dog

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Celin, Nov 30, 2017.

  1. Celin

    Celin Registered Users

    May 16, 2016
    f anyone has any suggestions on how to work with a dog that barks incessantly, please let me know. I am at my wits end. Had to have someone come and replace the pump pressure tank today and it was 45 minutes of non stop ear splitting barking. She is two and we have had her two months. She is a sweet dog and my other lab loves her but she is making my days pretty miserable! I had the hot dogs out, I tried her with a peanut butter bone, she just ate and barked everytime she heard a voice. She barks at the leaves blowing, she barks if she hears beeping, other dogs barking....everything. She seems happy, not stressed except for these noises. I had the music up pretty loud so she couldn't hear the workmen but that didn't help much. I am going to move out if this keeps up.
  2. Snowshoe

    Snowshoe Registered Users

    Sep 5, 2015
    Ontario, Canada
    It might take some time as you have not had her long and she may have learned and beeen allowed to bark at her previous home. Obedience classes are good for teaching you how to teach the dog. They also help to form a bond and give you cred., in the dog's eyes, so that many, if not most, will learn to trust and heed you in other situations too.

    My boy is frantic when someone comes to the house. I find if I shut him in the kitchen (as we did just a few days ago for the annual furnace check) and ask the person to simply lean over the gate and say hello to him he will stop barking. They don't even have to pet him if they don't want to.
    Celin likes this.
  3. Celin

    Celin Registered Users

    May 16, 2016
    Thanks, the former owner swears she only barked occasionally and only if she didn't know the person and that she was getting better. I think that was wishful thinking. Sometimes she just stands up and barks at nothing. She didn't even know sit when she came so we are making some progress there and we go to class starting in January. I do hope that helps. I just don't know how to respond to her barking and don't want to make it worse. I have had a positive trainer out to work with us. She is great and helped a lot with my yellow boy who is almost two but so far nothing I do or don't do makes a difference in the barking.

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